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12 Proven Ways to Make Money with WordPress

May 8, 2014
Proven Ways to Make Money with WordPress

Now days many people have found ways to make tons of money with WordPress. There are many different ways by which you can also earn a living online with it.

Have you ever thought of making money using WordPress? If yes, this detailed post is a treat for you! I will be discussing 12 proven ways you can make money with WordPress. The methods listed below require different skill sets, so even if you’re not a developer rest assured WordPress is full of opportunities for you!

  1. Freelance Writing
  2. Create & Monetize a Blog
  3. WordPress Courses
  4. eCommerce & Dropshipping
  5. Blog Setup Service
  6. Website Maintenance
  7. SEO & Marketing Services
  8. Security Consulting & Solutions
  9. WordPress Plugin Development
  10. WordPress Theme Development
  11. Theme Customization
  12. WordPress Design Services

Disclaimer: WPExplorer is an affiliate for one or more products listed below. If you click a link and complete a purchase we could make a commission.

1. Freelance Writing (aka Content Creation)


Starting off easy – if you have a device to type on and internet connection you can create content for other websites. There are millions of websites and they all need fresh content.

While this list is full of ways you can make money with WordPress, content creation extends to pretty much every niche. Just visit your favorite online blogs. Many have contributor application pages where you can submit your articles and get paid for them. So not only will you get some awesome backlinks from top ranking sites, but you can get paid for your hard work.

You can also find WordPress content writing jobs on job board sites. A couple worth checking out include Upwork and ProBlogger Jobs – both of which have tons of writing jobs available as of this very moment.

Before applying it might be a good idea to have an online portfolio setup to show off your previous work. Specifically you should be sure to include a short bio, active social profiles and links to recently published posts (or if you’re just starting create a few posts on your own blog that you can use as examples). This way potential employers can have a look at your writing style as well as exposure your articles get across blogs and social media.

2. Create & Monetize a Blog

WordPress Website

In the online world, it is always recommended to start a website for your business. So, what are you waiting for? Launch your own WordPress blog and start making money!

Not sure how to get started with your WordPress website? Checkout our easy guide for how to start a blog where we walk you through all the steps of building a website. Key steps are choosing a domain & hosting, installing WordPress, choosing a theme, installing plugins and adding posts & pages.

Having a blog is a great way to generate passive income. You can make money using affiliate marketing, selling ads, sponsored reviews, etc from your blog. This requires no additional effort from you – it’s simply a way to take full advantage of the content and traffic you already have.

Most marketplaces and service providers offer affiliate programs. Some of our personal favorites that are easy to work with include Themeforest, Shareasale and CJ Affiliate. Just signup for a FREE account and add links to you posts where it feels natural.

To sell ads you can offer your own ad packages or work through a company like BuySellAds. Or signup for a Google Adsense account and insert your code to let Google’s network handle the ads while you get a nice little check each month.

You can also offer sponsored posts on your blog. Add a page or contact form to your website so brands can get in touch to pay you for reviews, guides, list style posts or something else. Just be sure to stipulate in your sponsored post agreement that all opinions will be honest, and make sure you add a disclaimer to the final published post that it was sponsored.

You can also leverage your website to promote other money generating activities (which we cover below) such as courses, products or premium services.

3. WordPress Courses

The Best WordPress Courses for Beginners

Fairly confident in your abilities? Create a course! There are millions of people using the internet to learn new skills. All you need to do is create (and monetize) courses to help them. Teach people how to garden, share cooking tips, or even share your own guide on how to start a blog. Once you have your subject matter narrowed down, there are a couple options to actually create and monetize your online course.

The first is to use your website simply as a marketing platform with your courses hosted on a third party elearning site. Popular options include sites like Udemy where you can upload your courses and set your own prices, or Lynda where your course is a part of a general membership. Both offer easy ways to get started quickly. Just be aware that with these platforms you don’t keep the full amount paid for your course (Udemy takes a 3-50% cut of your course price, while Lynda pays out based on your views per month).

The second option is to go all in and use WordPress to build your website and host your courses. This way you manage your courses, set your prices and reap all the benefits. And lucky for you – there are a number of plugins that makes creating courses with WordPress easy. Just use our guide to create an online course with WordPress to learn more. Or you can use a membership plugin to create a paid, members only section of your website with exclusive content. This can include courses, blog posts, videos, downloadable tools or assets – really anything you want to offer.

4. eCommerce & Dropshipping

Simple WooCommerce Tips to Increase Sales

In addition to knowledge you can also share downloadable or tangible goods with your readers. It takes a bit of effort to get started, but WordPress is a fantastic platform to build an e-commerce website.

Why e-commerce? Now more than ever people are shopping online. And with WordPress you simply need to install a plugin like WooCommerce to build an online store. Compared to other e-commerce options, WooCommerce is completely free and offers many helpful features you can use to setup your store.

In addition to a regular storefront for your own goods, WordPress can also be used to build a dropshipping store. In this case you sell goods directly to customers but a third party ships them out (similar to how Amazon often handles shipping for smaller sellers using their platform). Whether you use WooCommerce or Shopify, this method typically involves using a plugin or using settings to ensure shipping info is sent to the supplier directly. If this sounds like the right business plan for you there are a number of plugins you can use to create a dropshipping business with WordPress.

5. Blog Setup Service

WordPress Is More Than A Blogging Platform

Are you a beginner or a part time blogger who doesn’t have much development experience even though you want to make money using WordPress? If yes, a blog set up service is the perfect option for you. Even beginners can offer this type of service! But how?

Many people want to use WordPress in their blogs, but they just don’t technical knowledge to actually get started. So they opt for blog setup service. Your task as a blog setup service provider will be to install WordPress, upload a WordPress theme, add the recommended plugins, etc.

To get clients you can start with a simple blog setup service page on your website. To attract leads or dedicated traffic to that page add banners for your service on your own site, try reaching out to other blogs to guest post, leave comments on forums with a link to your site, get on social media, and invest in paid advertising if you’re able. If you’re targeting a smaller or local audience (such as “blog setup service for gardeners” or “blog setup service in Savannah Georgia”) it’s often much more affordable than you’d think. If people are interested in your offer, they’ll contact you.

When you create your service page consider adding multiple price points with increasing levels of service. For example, you could have a basic blog setup service for $100 which includes installing WordPress, uploading a theme and adding the theme’s demo content. Then you can offer SEO plugin setup as a $20 upsell, or as a part of a premium setup service bundled with a few other features (like breadcrumbs, homepage setup, etc).

Alternatively you can provide you blog setup services for free, but you’ll have to rely on affiliate links within your services page. For instance, you could offer free blog setup with the purchase of Bluehost hosting when a customer uses your specific affiliate link. Bluehost offers competitively priced hosting plans that new bloggers can afford, as well as generous affiliate commissions upwards of $65 for every successful sign up. Similarly, you can then suggest themes, plugins, security services and other affiliate products to users when they sign up through your service page. Just remember to only recommend products you have tested and are good.

6. Website Maintenance

Website Maintenance

We mentioned blog setup, but there is a huge opportunity to generate ongoing income with maintenance services. Many website owners don’t want to deal with the day-to-day tasks of running a website – they simply want a way for people to find them on the web. And this is where you come in. Maintenance can entail WordPress updates, security monitoring, theme and plugin updates, hosting management, CDN setup, etc. Pretty much anything you’re already doing for your own website you can get paid a monthly fee to do for others.

It’s important to note that if you go this route you’ll want to use a site management plugin to make your life easier. A few of the top options are:

These plugins all allow you to manage core, theme and plugin updates as well as monitor SEO, site speed, comments and even backups all from one single dashboard. This way you can provide a comprehensive maintenance service to your clients without having to monitor each site individually.

7. SEO & Marketing Services

WordPress SEO Best Practices

If you’ve spent time learning how to optimize your own site you can certainly put those skills to work. SEO is a huge part of building up a website, and it can be very overwhelming for some people. Which is why SEO services typically fetch premium prices. Whether you assist with content optimization, link building, site speed or other site aspects SEO it’s certainly an area many website owners are will to pay for.

Marketing services go hand in hand along with SEO. Managing ads is time consuming, since it requires creating graphics, researching keywords, bidding strategy, placement and more. Plus a good marketing campaign includes multiple formats – Google ads, newsletters, social media, etc. Armed with the knowledge and connections you’ve already built for your own website you can certainly lend clients a helping hand. In most cases marketing services include a based fee plus a percentage based on traffic or increase in conversions.

8. Security Consulting & Solutions

WordPress Security

For those confident in their security abilities, and specifically coding skills, security consulting can be extremely lucrative. Security is of the utmost importance to every site owner. Some areas you might consider include:

  • Security Audit: There are premium auditing software services available, but you can also perform this by hand. Whichever route you choose just be sure to cover key aspects of security such as default WordPress settings, passwords, user role access, file permissions, updates, security plugin settings, backup settings (via plugin or hosting),  server configuration, SSL certificate etc.
  • General Security Hardening: This could be as simple as offering a professional setup service for up a trusted security plugin such as Solid Security Pro, Wordfence or All in One WP Security & Firewall.
  • SSL Setup: SSL is complicated, so why not help website owners correctly create and install their SSL certificate.
  • Malware Removal: If you know WordPress files like the back of your hand then Malware removal is right up your alley. If you choose to remove suspect code yourself manually or with the aid of a plugin this is certainly something you could add to your overall security services.

Of course there are other aspects to WordPress security but these are great places to start if web security is your passion.

9. WordPress Plugin Development

10 Best Gutenberg Plugins, Addons & Extensions

If you have used WordPress, you must be aware of one thing – you can’t run your blog without using at least a few plugins, right? Everyone uses plugins to add extra features that help run a WordPress blog successfully. There are thousands of plugins available in WordPress – some are absolutely free, others offer paid upgrades and the remaining are premium.

If you find a solution to a problem and create a plugin for it (that your audience might be interested in buying), there’s absolutely nothing that can stop you from making income from it. Analyze a few existing plugins (preferably in a similar niche) that are making decent money. See if they are using a premium (paid plugin) or freemium (free plugin with paid upgrade). Are they utilizing, a marketplace or relying on their own website for promotion? You might also want to check the comments/reviews as well to get an idea of what support might be like for you. Then figure out how you can do the same to create a constant cash flow!

If you are thinking to make money by selling WordPress plugins, make sure to create them by focusing on a specific need. One of the best examples in this category is the Elementor page builder. This mega page building plugin is focused on making creating custom page layouts easy, and has grown to be used by over 4 million WordPress sites. Plus the plugin developer monetized their creation by releasing a premium Elementor Pro with more advanced features.

You can sell your WordPress plugins at CodeCanyon. You may also sell it from your own blog, or by creating a separate site for it. You can also make money by working on custom plugin projects.

10. WordPress Theme Development


Are you a web designer or developer? Yes? Then you can make money by developing WordPress Themes. You don’t have to be a top class designer or coder to design a great looking WordPress theme – but you should definitely know what you are designing for your targeted audience. At the end of the day, you should know who you are designing your theme for or else you will end up finding zero audience for your theme.

There are so many companies which are designing fantastic themes for WordPress sites to make passive income streams. For instance, people like Brian Clark founded StudioPress (and later sold it to WP Engine which now includes all of the StudioPress themes for FREE with their hosting plans) and our own AJ Clarke created WPExplorer Themes (including our #1 Total WordPress Theme) to build quality and appealing themes for WordPress websites. They have been doing great over years now just by hiring few designers and selling appealing themes.

If you are just starting out when it comes to creating WordPress themes, and not confident enough to go it alone, you can form a team. Or you can join a venture that is already in the business of making themes for others. This way you won’t have as difficult of a time making money while completing your work.

You may want to sell your WordPress themes at TemplateMonster, Themeforest, Creative Market, or you can sell them from your own website. Just like plugins, you may also work on custom WordPress theme projects for clients to make some extra dollars.

11. Theme Customization

WordPress Theme Customizations

Are you an advanced developer with some extra time on your hands? Try offering customization services. Many developers are making decent side incomes offering website, theme and/or plugin customization services on WordPress job sites.

In any case, there are many WordPress users who can install a theme (or maybe their hosting provider offered this along with the setup of their WordPress install) but they don’t have the technical ability to make changes. For example:

  • Custom page layouts
  • Custom post types
  • Logo/branding creation
  • Social media integration
  • Newsletter setup
  • eCommerce store setup
  • Plugin configuration

This is just a super small example of course, since there are so many aspects to WordPress. You can offer up your services at a set price per task, or make your time available at a variable per hour rate.

12. WordPress Design Services


One of the last ways we want to talk about to make money online using WordPress is to offer comprehensive design services. It can be done easily only if you are good at WordPress – creating custom designs for clients, and building a full website from the ground up. Developers working directly with clients on custom sites charge in the thousands for their work. So while this option might require more knowledge and effort it is very much so worthwhile. And you can essentially bundle a few of the other monetization methods  mentioned on this list to create your overall service package (custom theme, blog setup, security setup, ongoing maintenance, etc).

Websites like CodeableUpwork and Toptal are great places to advertise your availability for clients work. You can also offer your services through your own website if you want to skip the middle man. Make sure you have a great portfolio if you are thinking of making a passive income stream by using this method. Specifically, remember to ask clients to give feedback if they are satisfied with your work or to share a review of your services that you can post on your site or share on social media. This can really boost your online sales, as testimonials from top bloggers is great social proof.

You don’t have to be a WordPress genius to make a living. If you can do any of the above and know how to sell yourself or your product you will have plenty of chances to make really good money using WordPress. Also, figure out what your targeted audience truly wants; this way you will be on the right track.

Do you have any more strategies to earn money online using WordPress? Please share them in the comment section.

Article by Kyla staff
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  1. Fahid JavidFahid

    I love this article 😉

    • Sandipan Mukherjee

      Glad you loved it 🙂

      • madi

        Nicely written, but what am observing, everyone needs free, so by placing an affiliate links, not too sure whether we get any commissions. Affiliate links only pay when someone purchases it. Google is flooded with so much of information. People make really good search, so that they get someone offering free. If we place publisher ads, first of all no one clicks it and for mere views these ad publisher’s pay peanuts. I am also wondering why someone click on a ad unless it is really appealing where they save some money by clicking it.

        The reason I feel, may be wrong. Market is flooded with free themes, free plugins, free snippets, free widgets. Smart guys install them free, make changes to serve their need.

        • Kyla

          You are correct that there is a huge market for “free” solutions, however there are many customers willing to purchase a premium solution that is faster, easier or includes premium support. You’d be surprised how effective an affiliate link on a detailed review can be. But getting clicks on your website adverts is a bit different. If you’re using the Google ad network readers will see ads related to their web activity (not necessarily the content on your website) which may result in more clicks. Or if you’re using BuySellAds you’ll receive a flat fee each month for every ad spot regardless of clicks. It all just depends 🙂

  2. Freddy

    These are all great ways of making a decent living online. People (especially where I come from) are still skeptic about making money online, and I feel this post will help many people overcome this skepticism. Thank you for the tips!

    • Sandipan Mukherjee

      You are welcome buddy 🙂

      • VipOne

        Have been using the plugin from Ads1K with moderated success because of low traffic on my wp site. Anyways, for sure it is worth experimenting with it on larger websites

  3. bucurblog

    An article that says a lot if you want to learn, very well written.

  4. anand

    Yes, Developing plugin and selling in Themeforest site will be good. You will get good clients and name also.

  5. Joy Banerjee

    Nice Article Sandeep

  6. cagaroos

    Hi Sandy,

    Very nice article. Like you said there are many ways that you can make money with WordPress. An additional method that I would add to your list is; training, especially offline training where you offer short courses to beginners. There is a huge demand for this, as there are many WordPress users that can’t afford the cost of a website development, and would like to do the whole thing themselves.

  7. fxmiami

    Great Post, very informative. Following now!

  8. slitenation

    codecanyon uploading method is too stressful any better way of selling other than use codecanyon?

    • AJ Clarke

      As long as your product is very good, it shouldn’t be stressful at all!

  9. bubu

    brillaint article, but I am searching for advertisement options except adsense.

  10. Charmee

    Thanks Sandy for showing directions to newbies or those who want to show their skills keep it up!!

  11. manishankar

    Best article but i can’t find helpful 4 begginers…

    I love passion about your site.

    I m also wanna visit and make more money.

  12. trikha48 does not allow affiliate marketing or any adds. Just an update.

    • AJ Clarke

      They don’t allow it on but if you are hosting WordPress on your own site you can do whatever you want within the confines of the law.

    • EducatingAllie

      I’m curious to find out how to make money with this site by using advertiser. I guess I can’t.

      • Kyla

        Hmmm… well if you want ad income two great options are Google Adsense and BuySellAds. With both you can basically “rent” some of the extra space on your blog for advertising. The nice thing about BuySellAds is that you have a bit of influence over which advertisements are on your blog, but it is a smaller network than Adsense 🙂

  13. riwaj4062

    Nice article, but how to earn from plugin ?

    • AJ Clarke

      You can sell your plugin as a stand alone plugin and/or you can sell extensions for your plugin. Some people put advertisements in the plugin, but I am not a fan of that.

  14. Jason Ellis

    Nice, very informative!

  15. Rakshit shah

    Nice , Thanks for Guiding me about WordPress !!!

  16. pakicrafts

    very informative, please tell me can i earn with this my simple wordpress site or should i have to pay for premium membership, then i will earn?

    • AJ Clarke

      If you are a developer you can start creating and selling items without paying for any memberships. Marketplaces like ThemeForest are free to join.

  17. laurasweeneywrites

    I need to figure out how to put advertisements and earn money for them on my Word Press site. This would be an excellent topic for a future post.

    • AJ Clarke

      Good idea. Unless your theme has built-in advertisement areas I would suggest going to and search for a plugin you can use for inserting ads to your site.

  18. Lovely Singh

    Great article… Talking about paypal, I actually use paypal merchant account services (pro version) and I highly recommend it to anybody selling ebooks etc… It takes credit cards like any other merchant account without the need of buyer having a paypal account… Secondly, the buyer doesn’t have to leave the site for the check-out process (pro version). I also use “all in one SEO pack” plug-in for some of the blogs i want to earn money online or other similar topics… this particular page has a life-changing effect by the way. Keep up the great work my friend… adding value to others who need it…

  19. seth okrah

    awesome tips

  20. swatichaturvedi101094

    i write a wordpress blog, how can i earn money from it?

    • Kyla

      That’s awesome! There are so many ways to monetize your blog – affiliate links, Google AdSense, sponsored posts (if that makes sense for your market), PayPal donation buttons (“buy me a beer” or “buy me a cup of coffee” kind of button in your author box or sidebar), or even simply promoting your own products/services. The sky’s the limit!

      • kevin ongige

        can you help me with google adscence please

        • Kyla

          I would love to, but I’m really not that knowledgeable about it 🙂 You’re best bet would be to start at the Google Adsense website and read their information, or just do a quick web search for “beginners guide to adsense” and i’m sure you’ll find tons of helpful stuff!

  21. ssammman

    i cannot connect my website to adsense, how can i earn through the ads now.

    • AJ Clarke

      There are many other alternatives out there, such as BuySellads or you can consider joining affiliate programs which can sometimes earn a lot more money then adsense.

  22. make money online

    I have honestly never read such overwhelmingly good content like this. I agree with your points and your ideas. This info is really great. Thanks.

  23. iamalver

    how to earn money from wordpress to adsense?

    • Kyla

      Adsense is a great way to make a few extra bucks from your website. First you’ll need an account, then you’ll be able to add your advertisement sizes to your adsense account, copy the code for the ad you created, and paste that code into your WordPress theme (if there are advertisement areas already setup then this last step is super easy). You can learn more on the Google adsense website.

  24. rameeztariq76

    Brilliant guess i am writing blog’s from now on to make a part time living, if your interested in following me find me at

  25. Make Money Online

    Thank you for your attention to detail and great writing style. Your professionalism shows in your article. I like your interesting views and appreciate your unique ideas. This is quality.

  26. emldeseyens

    Great post Sandy, I’ve been thinking about ways to make online revenue. This article has given me a starting point. I have creating a blog on WordPress as well!

  27. My Top Fans

    This was inspiring, encouraging and true honesty. I’ve been looking for something like this.

  28. veasnamuch

    Nice article

  29. Engr.Abdul Qayyum

    google adsense provide adds that’s are very helpful for earning money

  30. Aizad

    Thanks for the information, really loved it.

  31. Freelancing Earning Book

    Really helpful post. Nice and thanks for sharing. I earned some money by freelancing. I earned about $230 USD. I am trying to earn more. I will try to follow your ways.

  32. Mac Jones

    Thank you for this article useful, I really Interested in make money online . I already use Earn Honey for it and it is a brilliant experience .

  33. Deepa Tiwari

    Nice post..You have many ways to earn money online. Wonderful helpful.

  34. charan

    Blogging is the best way to make money from home and wordpress software is perfect for blogging no need any programming skills just with user friendly tools we can create a cool blog.. content writing is one of the best to earn money but need lot of patience at the initial stage… thanks for sharing your knowledge on wordpress how it helpful to make money online.

  35. sohel rana

    I am very pleased read this information & i hope i earn money

  36. infolightp

    Can Adsense be utilized for wordpress?

    • Kyla

      Yes of course! You can simply paste your adsense code in a text widget, or use specialized ad areas available in the Customizer that themes like Chic provide 🙂

  37. Andy

    Great article and some useful comments especially Lovely Singh! I am available for great copy scripts for promotion and selling. I also do voiceover, music and video.

  38. sugunakumar

    nice article i like this one and u r blog is awesome content very usefull

  39. mizzymelody

    Wonderful Post! I learned so many new things. I’m a newbie but I’m trying to beautify my own website. You can also try to check and leave me some suggestions. Thank you!

  40. Naveen

    Good post and very informative for the people who wants to start career in WordPress.

  41. Faizan

    Great article. You have inspired me. I have got content and I am launching my WordPress site this week. Thanks a lot.

    • Kyla

      That’s awesome!

  42. Sir Humphrey

    Admin thanks a lot. Your idea is pretty practical,I have been much enthusiastic on how to blog and earn online,by luck you’ve started by cultivating my dream.Am working tirelessly to develop a web and i hope you will partner with me skillfully and offer some other answers whenever am in a quagmire.thanks Great much Welcomed!!!………………..

  43. Raymmar

    Thanks a ton for the great article. I have been working with WordPress for a few years now, and it has absolutely changed the way I do business. We actually just started a new video podcast series where we interview top WordPress talent. Interested in joining us for an interview sometime?

    You can see a recent interview here as an example.

    • AJ Clarke

      Hey that’s really cool! I am not much of a “podcast” type of person but I would be happy to do a written interview if you would like. Just let me know, you can reach out to me on Twitter it may be easier/faster @WPExplorer ~ AJ Clarke

  44. iqrabasharat

    anyone can tell me plz how to earn mony with wordpress plz tell me all steps

    • Kyla

      Checkout the options in the post 🙂

  45. praneshstk11

    Thank you very much for publishing this kind of article. I like your article very much and it’s so much helpful to us.

  46. nxobile

    I really like this article, It could be useful to start my career here at WordPress. I’m passionate with writing and I hope my writings will go further with your help. Thank you.

  47. DALVIN

    very nice and point to point information

  48. Propaganda Hearthstone

    I used the information here to create my own hearthstone blog, it was super easy thanks!

    • AJ Clarke

      Awesome, I love Hearthstone 😉

  49. Rajendra Reddy

    Thanks for article, I want to offer free wordpress blog setup service

  50. Ryan

    Thanks for the article.

  51. Ethan Poltrack

    Yeah, wordpress is the best. I have been using them for a few years and it’s the only cms I really use.

  52. Josh Paiva

    Thanks so much for article. Always good to find something new to apply!

  53. Techonroad

    Plugin development is one of the best way to make money. Thumbs up for such a great information.

  54. sam

    excellent post, Thanks for sharing this value info. I made some money via affiliate marketing and adsense, Thanks again


    Great post, thanks

  56. Errol

    Hi there!

    Thank you for sharing 🙂

  57. Redd

    Awesome post, thank you for sharing!

    I have to disagree with this list however, affiliate marketing should be number one or two on that list as it is the most affordable way for a newbie to start making their first online dollars.

    This is by far the best way to make money within a weeks time.

  58. Needer

    You might want to check your facts. WordPress doesn’t allow plugins. WP has it’s own plugins built in.( If you feel you must have a plugin, you request it and they will consider it. Don’t hold your breath, though. I purchased an upgrade and I did a live chat. The guy said he couldn’t pull up my account and wanted to communicate with me via email. I had no reason to doubt him. Haven’t resolved my issue and I only have less than a day to change my domain name (which WP got wrong!).

    • Kyla

      Hi! The free blogs offered at do not support third-party plugins, which is why we recommend instead. Here at WPExplorer we are huge advocates for self-hosted WordPress – which you can download from or install via your hosting service often with 1-click installation. is full of limitations, while (self-hosted) is one of the most flexible website platforms on the web offering tons of opportunities for people to make money via services, themes, plugins and more! 🙂

  59. arsalanahmed1996

    Hi! I made a free domain website on Please guide me that how can i get paid through it?

    Thank you!

    • AJ Clarke

      I would recommend using a self-hosted WordPress installation instead. does not allow advertisements and has rules on affiliate links as mentioned here. On a self-hosted installation you can have as many ads as you want as well as setup an online shop if you are looking to sell goods.

  60. Kathy Johnson

    Quite an interesting post for making money with WordPress. I am definitely going to try some of these methods. The details are explained well along with the examples for the same.

    Thank you very much for sharing an valuable post!

  61. James

    I recently started with WordPress and I’m using Amazon Affiliate program to monetize the site. I believe I’m over monetizing however.

  62. Raghav

    I write a wordpress blog, how can i earn money from it? But Your Article Helps me Thank you brother. I am very happy to tell you that you r awesome bro.

  63. Frank Kristopoulos

    Hi Sandipan,

    Your article is so amazing. It gives me abundant of knoweldge about making money using wordpress.

    WordPress is a free and open-source content management system (CMS) based on PHP and MySQL. This platform is in a great use today.It has several features such as themes,plugins.It also features integrated link management.

    Ans well if I talk about making money with wordpess is quite easier as is in great demand today.I’ll surely use your tips and make money.

    I must say your article will be helpful to many and many will make money out of it also.

    Thank You!

  64. Robin Andrews

    It can be hard to define a niche. You need to know if something is viable before specializing, but won’t find that out until you specialize… Any suggestions on getting out of that catch 22?

    • AJ Clarke

      I think the most important thing is that your niche needs to be something you are personally good at and love. Otherwise you won’t have the passion to make it a success.

  65. kaushik somaiya

    Great ! Almost all big points covered.

  66. Jitesh

    Thanks!! Great Article

  67. Shane Harrison

    Great article! When it comes to making money online, no one company is likely to provide you with full time income.

    That’s why affiliate marketing continues to be one of the best ways to make money from home.

    Affiliate marketing allows you to build a real business that you can control along with the products that you want to endorse.

  68. Brian

    Nice sharing buddy.
    I’ve the only knowledge about blogging & I’ve the only way to make money online by blogging, affiliate marketing and using ad networks.
    Thanks again.

  69. Padd Ba


  70. kladproraba

    Sharing their experience. On your website you can earn good money, it’s true. But to profit from your website You will in that case, if the site has established a good, fast and properly created it. It is important, even before creating a website, reconsider, otherwise then you’ll think – what am I gonna do with this site? The initial goal should be the creation of a quality resource. And, of course, in the case of a correct approach to site creation, it is still only the beginning, then the content and website promotion in General, a lot of work. If I did everything right and did a good job website “thank” will work for You 24/7. I wish you All Success and good Luck

  71. gooseyummytea

    How to put ads on your website to get money?

    • Kyla

      There are lots of ways to add advertisements to your website. One option is to utilize your WordPress theme’s sidebar or footer and simply insert adsense blocks or custom images with affiliate links. Some themes even have built-in ad areas or custom widgets to make this easier. Another options is to use a specialized plugin for adding an ad pop-up, in text ads, etc. If you do a quick search of there are a ton of awesome free options 🙂 I hope that helps give you a few options!

  72. Ivailo Durmonski

    What WordPress theme are you using on this website?

    • Kyla

      We use a custom theme 🙂 But we’re glad you like it!

  73. Dwayne Graves

    Nice points By reading and applying this anyone can make money it would be so easy for everyone all because of you. Thank you so much for such wonderful blog.

  74. Suzanne

    There are some things to keep in mind:
    – You need to have a website or anything to put your ads on. The free WordPress sites don’t allow you to put up Adwords or anything. So it WILL cost you a little amount of money.
    – Second: you will need views. If you have 1000 views a month and only a couple of them click on the ads this isn’t gonna work… I’m wondering like how many views you need on a monthly basis.

  75. Ahmad Idrus

    I didn’t know there are alot of opportunities on the WordPress however most of them you inform on the post take coding skill.

  76. Karan

    This is an awesome post.

  77. Vineeth

    Hi bro, I am a student and want to earn through building websites as part time for little money. I need some suggestions so that I get started soon. which one should choose from wordpress and wix

    • Kyla

      Well, we are a WordPress blog so we’d say go with WordPress. If you want to build websites for clients, Flywheel has an excellent program setup where you can build the client site with their hosting at no cost then transfer the account to your client to be billed once the website is ready to go live.

      But before you dig in I have a request for you and anyone else who wants to build websites for others: please, please, please take the time to learn key development skills before beginning to work with clients. Learn CSS, basic PHP and a little Javascript first. A good web dev or web designer will be able to make theme customizations on their own and should be able to troubleshoot any theme or plugin errors they encounter. Once you know those basics you’ll be ready to take excellent care of your clients’ websites!

  78. sahed159

    Nice post. Information will be helpful for me.

  79. Isabella

    Very Good Article Sir,
    Thanks For Sharing and Keep Up the Good Work.

  80. Favi

    Basically, those 8 ways are the best to earn an income with wordpress and freelance jobs, but also they are too competitive areas… Thanks for the article!

  81. James Rusell

    Great Article but I am also focused on making my website to make money but somehow im not getting any of the traffic can you check my website and suggest me as to where i have done wrong?

    • Kyla

      Hmmm… there are many factors that contribute to traffic, but for the most part it’s going to take time (unless you’re one of those insanely lucky people who goes viral). If you create good content on a regular basis, social bookmark it and get other blogs to link to your posts you should be able to build a reader base over time. Just stick with it!

  82. DDrive

    Hi Sandipan! I love your post! Makes you realize that there a lot of things that you can do within WordPress. That you can indeed make money with WordPress. Thank you!

  83. Lak vir singh

    So nice article, Thanks for Sharing, kep it up.

  84. Satpal Singh

    Thanks for sharing such valuable information. This is very helpful especially for beginners like me who want to start making money from their blog.

  85. Sam. G

    Hi, that is a great article there. It has helped us to start my blog and am doing good. Thanks!

  86. ramya

    Great information, we have started adopting these tips. Really useful. Thank you.

  87. sufyan

    how much earn a theme developer to make any theme

    • Kyla

      I think you’re asking how much money a theme developer can make from a single theme. I can’t possible speak for every developer, as some folks have made $0 and then on the opposite side of the spectrum there’s ThemeFusion. But in my opinion, your earning potential depends on a bunch of factors.

      Are you going to create a premium theme, or a free theme with premium addons/support? These are two very different revenue models. Will you sell it yourself, or via a marketplace? There are pros and cons for both, but going through a marketplace can be easier even though you will lose a portion of your profit. Are you developing the theme on your own, or as part of a team? If you create on your own you can keep all of the profits, but at the same time then all of the development and support falls on you – increasing the amount of time you’ll spend working on the theme. Do you have a marketing budget? This is a big one – as you need to invest in promoting your item even if it hasn’t generated an income yet. You can’t sell a product no one knows exists. Do you already have a customer base? This can provide an initial source of sales for your item. Also – is your theme even good enough for people to spend money on? There are thousands of free and premium themes, so you need to make sure your item stands out in some way.

      These are just some of the many, many factors that effect the potential income from a theme. But if you want a hard number, realistically a decent theme can bring in a couple thousand dollars. This is assuming you’ve created a good theme, invested time (and a bit of money) into promoting it and that you’re using a traditional premium theme model (charging somewhere in the standard $39-59 range for a single use license). Hope that helps!

  88. Waka

    WordPress provides that avenue to build an online business from the scratch with little or no resources. Its one of the best things to happen to the internet world

  89. GBee

    You didn’t mention details commenting plugins that help make money.

    • Kyla

      I think there is a bit of confusion – we used COmmentLuv as an example of how you can build a business on a free plugin and make money selling a premium version. I personally can’t think of a way (or a reason) to monetize your comments section…

  90. Rhonda Cantrell

    Brillaint Article Sandy. Thanks for showing directions to newbies or those who want to show their skills keep it up!

  91. Charity

    I love all these tips especially the blog set up service, I never thought of it that way. Thanks so much. 🙂

  92. Lorenzo Gutierrez

    Nice list of ways to make money. I provide consulting services like mentioned in the list. Glad to see you mentioned that one!

  93. Ahmad Atif

    Thanks for sharing in earning money articles i fully read it and gain good knowledge

  94. Lily Howard

    Wow, Amazing post. I really like it, in today’s technology age the tendency to earn online is increasing. Here the strategy is important for all beginners. Here are 8 ways to make money with WordPress. There is many possibilites of earning via Wow, Content Writing, Start Your Own Website, and Monetize Your Blog. I am glad. Happy 2020

  95. Franck Chanda

    Good Article. I have been making passive income with my blog page but it needs a little hard work and consistency before you start seeing money to come in

  96. Ghani Mengal

    WordPress is a time saver and it helped me a lot. starting your blog on WordPress is a very nice online business out there.

    very informative post by the way.

  97. santanu laskar

    This listing is awesome. i love this article.

  98. Saurabh

    Thanks for sharing such kind of post which can influence money making ideas at such kind of situations.

  99. Jessan

    Thanks for sharing in earning money articles i fully read it and gain good knowledge

  100. Arif Malek

    Very nice blog and cover great content. It is very useful for me to understand about the WordPress Customization.

    Keep posting!

  101. jigyasa sewkani

    content writing is the best thing to do. there are many sources to earn from it. thanks for sharing love your content.

  102. Robert Clark

    Thank you for this post.

  103. Jessica

    Great stuff. This article cleared my many confusions. Keep sharing your knowledge.

  104. Samuel

    You can still make money with any type of website, it doesn’t matter if it is a wordpress blog or not

    • Kyla

      You can certainly apply some of our strategies no matter how you choose to build your website! Though we really do love WordPress and think it’s the best 🙂

  105. Tim Halloran

    Thanks Kyla for this article. I’ve gone down the route of creating educational content and linking to suitable affiliate products which can help people either earn online, or get better results from their online efforts. It’s been a long slog but it’s working. I’m mostly blogging but have also tried other strategies.
    I do like WordPress although they keep changing their formatting which can be a pain once you get use to one platform and the change it!

    • Kyla

      That’s awesome! And luckily WordPress only makes big changes to formatting once every maybe 10 years – and it’s usually for the better 🙂 TBH still trying to make myself like Gutenberg, but hey I’ll get there one day.

  106. Noelle Moore

    I think freelancing is the best way…. here one can earn daily or weekly.i’m a freelancer & I really love it!!

  107. iqbal tasif

    Thanks for sharing this helpful post with us, I found this post very informative especially the ideas to make money with consulting and marketing services.

  108. Cataliya Min

    Thank you Kyla for this awesome and wonderful blog. Keep it coming.

  109. Saurabh Mathur

    WordPress is the most cost effective tool for all your websites, funnels etc. Great post.

  110. Rashel Ahmed

    Amazing website. Thanks for sharing with us.

  111. Codeaxia Digital Solutions

    Awesome Post, how to make money with wordpress thanks….

  112. Adam

    Good informative post. I’l be using some of these to make money from my blog.

  113. Samantha Clark

    Brilliant reading and got some impressive points! I have pleased to read the entirety of the post as mentioned above in detail. I am going to bookmark the site for further assistance. Can I earn money with my WordPress site?

    • Kyla

      If you’re using self hosted WordPress, the sky is the limit for your income opportunities! If you have a blog, I would recommend starting with affiliate marketing to make the most of your content – or if you’re selling a product then focus on your SEO. Best of luck!

  114. David

    SEO is a great skill. At least learn some basics of SEO and marketing skills you will be able to earn.

  115. Afzal

    Great. Freelance writing is a easy way to make money I guess.

    • Kyla

      It’s definitely a great option – especially if you already enjoy writing!

  116. wilson

    Outstanding! I can’t wait to get started on my blog. It covers almost all that I was looking for. Thank you so much for always providing great content. Much appreciated.

  117. TechyJeev

    How to create a drop servicing website on WordPress for WordPress? any ideas!

    • Kyla

      I would say the easiest way would be to use a dropshipping plugin – but dropshipping mainly applies to physical goods. I’m not sure what WordPress goods you might dropship, since themes/plugins are more suited for digital downloads.

  118. Hassan Javed

    Hey thanks for sharing this information with us and the points you share are really helpful for all others and specially for me to make money from my blog.

  119. Bhaveera

    Very useful thanks for sharing.

  120. Arif Billah

    I really appreciate you sharing this article. I only recently began posting stuff to my blog, which I started in March. I’m working to understand every aspect of it with the goal of earning a living from it in the future. I’m doing Making Sense of Affiliate Marketing with Michelle, and I really like your supplementary Pinterest lesson. I’m doing everything I can to study because I want to create a fantastic blog. I adore your site, and among my favorite topics is 12 ways to make money from home.

  121. Sebastian

    Awesome website!

    Thank you fort the information!

  122. RIFAT

    This is really a great article and a great read for me. It’s my first visit to your blog and I have found it so useful and informative. Thank you

    • Kyla

      That’s amazing that our tips could help! Hopefully you’ll see success with WordPress!

  123. Victoria

    These are some fantastic methods to generate income with WordPress! As a blogger or website owner, exploring these avenues can open up new opportunities for financial growth. Thanks for sharing!

  124. Liam

    I love your post. WordPress enthusiasts, this is your jackpot! Twelve proven ways to monetize your WordPress website. Ready to start earning!

  125. Apkallworld

    Great tip.
    Writing a blog post is really important for the growth of your website. Thanks for sharing amazing tips. Following these steps will transform the standard of your blog post for sure.

  126. AH Influence

    Hey there! Just wanted to drop a quick note to say how much I enjoyed your article on making money with WordPress. It was super insightful and gave me some fresh ideas to try out on my own site. Thanks for sharing your expertise in such a clear and engaging way. Looking forward to more of your tips and tricks in the future!

  127. AH Influence

    This article is super informative! I’ve been trying to find ways to make money with my WordPress website, and your tips are just what I needed. Thanks for breaking it down in such a clear and understandable way. I’m definitely going to try out some of these strategies. Great job!

  128. Daisy Adams

    Hey Kyla.The WordPress plugin development segment encourages readers to identify needs and create solutions. The comparison of premium and freemium models, along with insights on selling at marketplaces or independently, provides a well-rounded perspective.

  129. Priya

    Great information… Very useful. Thanks for sharing

  130. Nikhil Sharma

    Thank you for providing such insightful information. It’s particularly beneficial for newcomers like myself who are eager to begin monetizing their blog.

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