15 Reasons to Use Jetpack for WordPress

What happens when the people behind WordPress.com, get together to make a WordPress plugin? You get Jetpack.
With over 5 million active installations, Jetpack is designed to be an all-rounder plugin for people using WordPress, regardless of their expertise. Think of it as an all-in-one plugin, with features ranging from performance enhancements, security protocols, theme customization and many more.
People who are new to WordPress can use Jetpack’s site stats, contact form and other useful modules – without having to install a separate plugin for each feature. On the flip side, power users can take advantage of features such as related posts, lazy loading, and CDN – all for free! Though upgrading to Jetpack premium adds even more useful features for Google analytics, advertising, priority support and more.
This article was originally published in 2013, entitled 10 Reasons Why You Should Be Using Jetpack for WordPress. Five years later, we updated this guide with 15 of the best features offered by Jetpack – and why you should be using them in your WordPress site. And now for 2022 we’re updating again, because as time goes by Jetpack continues to just get better.
Before getting started, it would be helpful to know some of the synonyms used for Jetpack’s features. They range from “modules”, to “settings”, to just “features”. We’ll restrict our synonyms to modules and features throughout the remainder of this article.
Let’s get on with it!
1. Free Content Delivery Network (CDN) for WordPress
The very first feature that comes to mind is the free content delivery network provided by Jetpack. Unlike other CDN providers, Jetpack CDN does not require any signup, gives you unlimited CDN bandwidth, and is completely free – for life!
Who should use Jetpack CDN?
In short, everybody. Whether you are a power user, or a novice user, or someone who is just starting out; using a CDN dramatically speeds up your site’s loading time. This gives you a three-fold advantage:
- Google rewards faster sites with better SEO scores. You rank faster for your target keywords.
- You save your server’s bandwidth resources; since the images are served from Jetpack’s content delivery network.
- A faster website results in a pleasant visitor experience. This, in turn, increases the chances of a conversion – whether it is an email signup, ebook download, or something as simple as a social share!
How do I enable Jetpack CDN?
All you need to do is enable the Jetpack CDN module from the Performance & Speed settings, found under WordPress Dashboard > Jetpack > Settings > Performance tab.
2. Lazy Loading of Images in WordPress
Lazy Loading is a feature that has found a mention in every credible WordPress performance optimization post. You see, the idea behind lazy loading is simple. Load images only when the visitor sees it instead of all at once when your page loads.
This has a two-fold benefit.
- One, the site loads faster since the page size of the site is lowered. This, in turn, gives us better SEO, and lower bandwidth consumption from the server site.
- The second advantage directly benefits the end user by saving his or her bandwidth.
How can lazy loading save mobile bandwidth?
Let’s say Samantha is browsing an article on the “best fashion WordPress themes” on her phone. When Samantha opens the website, the page starts loading all 25 images at once.
However, with lazy loading enabled, only the images visible in the viewport is loaded. The other images are loaded only when Samantha scrolls down to view them. Thus Samantha ends up saving her precious mobile bandwidth while enjoying a super-snappy website.
Who should use lazy load?
Again, everyone!
How do I enable Jetpack lazy load?
This module is located just below the Jetpack CDN module in the same Performance & Speed settings section. Simply toggle to enable it!
3. Subscribe to New Posts via Email in WordPress
This is a personal favourite. Jetpack has a series of beautiful features when it comes to visitor engagement. We’ll cover them one by one starting with this one.
Jetpack’s email subscription feature enables visitors to subscribe to your blog posts via email. It’s displayed as a Notify me of new posts via email checkbox. People who click on it are asked to share their email address in order to subscribe or follow your blog’s posts.
Additionally, you can use the Subscribe to Comments feature to give your readers the option to subscribe to your blog’s comments via email. This is displayed as a secondary checkbox to Notify me of new comments via email.
Whenever a new post is published, or a new comment is posted, your followers get an email with a link to your post/comment.
What are the benefits of Jetpack subscriptions?
Well, for starters, you don’t need to use an email service provider (ESP) like MailChimp. Even when your email list grows, you don’t have to pay for emails. Remember that ESPs with a forever free plan usually put a limitation on the number of subscribers, or the number of emails sent per month.
However, on the flip side, you won’t be able to send individual emails (i.e. without publishing a post) to your subscribers, using this Jetpack module. It’s not designed to manage newsletters. So that’s when you’d have to signup for an ESP.
Who should use subscriptions?
Depends, really. People who simply want to focus on their writing and not on growing their email list can opt for this module. However, if you are serious about your email list from day one (it’s great if you are!), then you start using a free ESP like MailChimp.
How do I enable Jetpack blog subscriptions?
Head over to the Subscriptions module under the WordPress Dashboard > Jetpack > Settings > Discussion tab. And as a bonus Jetpack also offers a complimentary Subscription Form Widget (which you can activate by enabling Jetpack’s extra widgets).
4. WordPress Site Uptime & Downtime Monitoring
The downtime monitoring feature from Jetpack periodically monitors your site and notifies you via email whenever there is a downtime.
Not just that, it keeps on monitoring and sends you emails reminding you that your site is still down. Finally, once your site is back online – Jetpack sends yet another a confirmation email – informing you that your site is online again!
I absolutely love this feature – especially since it helped me win an argument and get a full refund from my WordPress hosting provider. All I had to do was share the screenshot of my inbox, and bam, they had to process my refund!
Who should use monitoring?
Everyone! Unless, of course, you are using a premium website uptime monitoring tool and don’t want to install an additional plugin.
How do I enable Jetpack downtime monitoring?
Simply toggle the Downtime monitoring option under WordPress Dashboard > Jetpack > Settings > Security tab.
5. Related Posts for WordPress
The Related Posts feature automatically suggests related content after every post in your WordPress site. It’s a great way to keep your visitors engaged, improve time-on-site and decrease bounce rate (to an extent).
But wait, there’s a problem:
However, calculating these related posts is a resource-intensive task. The problem multiplies when there are multiple categories and tags, and multiple posts under each of them. Calculating related posts becomes increasingly CPU intensive. Couple all of this into a shared hosting environment and you’ve got yourself a “resource violation” email, or worse – getting your account suspended.
So what’s the fix? Jetpack of course!
Jetpack offloads all of this complex, CPU-intensive computation to the cloud, and returns the finished results – i.e. the related posts – to our WordPress site. All of this for free!. You can further customize the appearance of the related posts (with or without image, excerpt, etc.) using the WordPress Customizer.
Who should use related posts?
Blogs with neatly organized taxonomy, along with sufficient posts and pages under each tag and category. You should not use Related Posts when you only have a handful of posts in your site. In such a case, I would recommend manually linking to your content.
How do I enable Jetpack related posts?
Simple! Just toggle the Related Posts option under WordPress Dashboard > Jetpack > Settings > Traffic from the Related Posts tab.
6. Infinite Scroll in WordPress
Infinite Scroll is a feature that automatically loads new posts without refreshing the page, as the visitor scrolls down to the bottom of the current post. Similar to Related Posts, this feature is designed to increase visitor engagement and time on site.
Furthermore, Jetpack gives you the ability to configure how the next posts are loaded. For instance, you can configure them to load automatically – according to the theme/user behavior. You can also present the visitors with a “read/load more” button, which upon clicking loads the next set of posts.
Who should use infinite scroll?
Anyone with a couple of posts published in their WordPress site can use this feature. This is highly recommended for news and media blogs.
How do I enable Jetpack infinite scroll?
There is no need for your to change a specific setting, however for Jetpack Infinite Scroll to work it must be enabled by your theme. Many themes may have infinite scroll support already coded in – which is great! But for those that don’t you’ll need to add quite a bit of custom code to your child theme to enable it yourself. And depending on your theme, there may be multiple files you need to edit.
The process is a bit too detailed for us to get into here, however Jetpack has a full guide I’d suggest reading if you’d like to learn more
7. Build a Contact Form in WordPress
This Jetpack module enables you to build WordPress contact forms with custom fields directly from the default editor. With a single click, you’re able to insert and customize contact forms directly from the WordPress editor.
Who should use a contact form?
Most website should have an easy to use contact form, especially if you deal with clients. So anyone not already using a contact form plugin on their WordPress site.
How can I enable Jetpack contact forms?
Enabling this features is a bit different as you’ll need to click on the “Modules” link at the bottom of any Jetpack settings page.
This will take you to a custom admin panel where you can activate various Jetpack features – including the Contact form.
Once active you’ll have the new option readily available in the Classic editor – just click the button to “Add Contact Form”.

Jetpack Contact Form inserted directly from the WordPress editor
And good news for Gutenberg users – there’s also a custom block you can use to insert forms that way.
8. Publish Posts via Email in WordPress
Imagine you’re in a remote location and you have to publish an article in your WordPress site. Media-rich sites like the WordPress editor won’t load due to the slow Internet connectivity. There aren’t any WiFi cafes nearby. The only thing that does seem to work is email. You barely have enough Internet speed to send out an email.
This is where Jetpack’s posts via email feature comes in handy. It gives you a dedicated email address for you to publish in your WordPress blog. You can find this under the WordPress Dashboard > Jetpack > Settings > Writing tab.
Once activated, you can email your post to this address, and it would be published in your blog.
How would it work? Simple. The subject line of your email would be the post title, and the email body would be the blog post content. You can also send additional information such as categories, tags and more using these predefined shortcodes.
Who should use Jetpack post via email?

Publishing posts in WordPress via email using Jetpack!
Anyone who needs quick coverage without investing too much time in formatting or working our of areas with limited Internet connectivity.
- Travel bloggers looking to share their experiences from remote locations with limited Internet connectivity.
- Reports looking to share quick coverage without going opening the WordPress app every time.
Sometimes, it’s just easier to publish a post via email.
9. Automated Social Sharing with Publicize
The Publicize module from Jetpack enables you to automatically post your freshly published content to your social media sites. It saves you the hassle of having to manually post in each social media network.
Who should use Publicize?
Well, anyone who promotes their content on social media is welcome to try this module. However, it is important to select the right social media network depending on your site’s niche, and then create content specific to each network.
How can I enable Jetpack social sharing?
You would need to establish a one-time connection with your social media networks from the Publicize settings located under WordPress Dashboard > Jetpack > Settings > Sharing tab.
10. Secure Authentication and WordPress.com Login
Jetpack’s secure authentication module enables you (or your users) to login to your WordPress site using WordPress.com account. To activate this feature, go to WordPress Dashboard > Jetpack > Settings > Security and toggle it on under the last section for WordPress.com login.
You can also configure the module to only allow users to log in if their WordPress.com account email address match with the email ID used to create the user account in your WordPress.site.
Additionally, you can require your site’s users to log in using two-factor authentication with WordPress.com.
Who should use login authentication?

Login using WordPress.com
If you are the sole person running your WordPress blog, then you can skip activating this module. However, if you have multiple contributors to your WordPress site, this could be a useful feature to have!
11. Media Embeds in WordPress
This is one of those features that are enabled by default in Jetpack. It essentially helps you paste media-rich content such as YouTube videos and SoundCloud audio files – in their native form – without writing a single line of code/shortcode.
All you have to do is copy-paste the link in your post in the WordPress editor, and Jetpack will take care of the rest.
Jetpack has evolved to support multiple websites with media-rich content including Instagram, Slideshare, Twitter, Google Docs, TED, DailyMotion, CodePen, Medium, Pinterest and more. For a detailed, up-to-date list, check out their official documentation on content embeds.
Who should use media-rich content?
12. Site Verification and Sitemaps in WordPress
I’ll be straight up with you – Jetpack isn’t the best SEO plugin out there. For starters, the SEO module itself (which includes meta tags, SEO settings, Google analytics integration, etc) is a paid feature in Jetpack. Yoast SEO is a far better, free plugin with a plethora of features and tutorials, trusted by over five million WordPress websites.
That being said, for users who aren’t ready to spend time with a dedicated SEO plugin can use Jetpack’s site verification modules to verify their site with multiple search engines including Google, Bing, Pinterest, and Yandex. Simply visit WordPress Dashboard > Jetpack > Settings > Traffic.
Additionally Jetpack also creates a sitemap which makes it easier for search engines to crawl your site.
Who should use Jetpack sitemaps?
People who aren’t looking to invest time in a dedicated WordPress SEO plugin should use Jetpack’s sitemap. However, we highly recommend using a separate plugin. With just a few hours each week you can get the basics of Yoast SEO nailed down. This way, you’ll have implemented on-page SEO correctly right from day one. That’s a big boost for your long-term search rankings!
13. Widgets, Widgets and More WordPress Widgets
Widgets are one of the most popular features offered by the Jetpack plugin. It provides a plethora of uniquely useful widgets that can be used in multiple ways. They range from social media feeds, GDPR cookie notifications and more.
First, make sure you enable the Jetpack extra widgets from the the WordPress Dashboard > Jetpack > Settings > Writing tab under the Widgets section.
Then head over to Appearance > Widgets to access these additional widgets (or or Appearance > Customize> Widgets to access via the live customizer).
Another exciting widget feature offered by Jetpack is conditional widgets. With this option enabled, the plugin essentially allows you to configure the visibility of the widgets based on the page, post, tag or category.
You can define a condition, and only if the condition holds true, the widget is displayed.
For instance, you can configure your social links to only be visible on your front page (as shown above), or for a newsletter subscription widget to be visible only in posts under the Finance category. This way you can build super-targeted mailing lists.
Who should use Jetpack widgets?
This mostly depends on the user. If your WordPress theme comes with custom widgets – such as social shares or newsletter subscriptions – you should use those instead of Jetpack. They have already been styled and coded to work well with your theme.
However, you can always use Jetpack’s conditional widgets to create engaging content in your website site.
14. Multiple Sites from a Single Dashboard at WordPress.com
Remember how we spoke of using WordPress.com to reap the full benefits of Jetpack? Well, you’re going to love this feature.
Once you connect your sites with Jetpack, you can manage all of them from your WordPress.com dashboard. This includes things like viewing site stats, publishing posts, responding to comments, updating plugins and much more.
Who should use this?
People managing a handful of WordPress sites could derive value out of this feature. For instance, you can manage your blog(s) and personal site under one roof – in WordPress.com.
However, I would not recommend using this feature if you are managing multiple WordPress sites for clients. Tools like ManageWP and InfiniteWP are built to manage multiple WordPress sites at scale, with a lot more of built-in features and premium support.
15. (Premium) WordPress Backup and Restore by Jetpack
WordPress backup and restoration is a serious matter. Over the years we’ve seen a lot of WordPress backup plugins and services that specialize in hourly backups, incremental backups, and more.
Backup from Jetpack is a premium module. It takes automatic backups and supports one-click restoration. What’s interesting is how the backup is made.
Jetpack essentially takes a backup whenever an event occurs. An event can include page and post creation/modification, comment submission/modification, plugin and theme installations, modifications, or updates, and additions of or changes to user accounts.
Jetpack also maintains an Activity Log of all the events, listed in chronological order. Every entry in this Activity Log serves as a restore point. Just click on an event and choose between downloading the backup, or restoring your site to that point.
Who should use JetPack backup?
Backups are an essential component of maintaining a WordPress site. I would recommend opting for a paid backup plugin if you prefer security and peace of mind, over saving a few bucks every month. (Fun fact – the monthly cost of a backup plugin is often the same as a venti cup of coffee). However, with a little bit of tinkering, you should be able to get the same features for free.
How do I get this?
This is a paid feature, with daily backups starting at $7.95/mo and real-time backups at $39.95/mo. You will need to purchase a Jetpack bundle or the individual add-on, then configure the plugin with your hosting server credentials, and relax. Jetpack will automatically start taking and managing your backups.
Is there a better backup alternative?
If you are willing to spend a little bit extra on your WordPress hosting, consider a managed hosting provider like WPEngine. Not only do you get blazing fast speeds, better reliability, and rapid customer support – you also get a dedicated staging environment and one-click backup and restore. Plans start at $25/month and come with 2 months free if you opt for the annual plan. Not to mention a 60-day risk-free trial!
Jetpack Pricing
While many of Jetpack’s features are offered free of charge, there are certain premium bundles. These include helpful modules such as backup and restore, elastic search, advanced malware protection and more that are only available under the paid plan.
Prices start at $19.95/mo (when you choose an annual plan) for Security Daily, and come with backups (with a 30-day backup archive), scans, spam protection, video hosting, SEO tools and Google analytics integration and of course priority support.
However if you’re more than happy with the features in Jetpack’s free version and just want to add one or two features you can purchase individual addons. For example, you can add daily backups for just $7.95/mo. But really when you look at all the features included in the Jetpack bundles, if you plan on purchasing 3 or more add-ons you really do save a ton with a bundle.
Is getting a paid Jetpack plan worth it?
If you are an occasional blogger you might enjoy Jetpack free. It offers a ton of great features for your blog, and costs nothing.
However if you have a growing blog, or a business, opting for a Jetpack bundle could be worth the money. You won’t have to worry about backups, and if things go wrong, you can always contact the priority customer success team.
A Note on Jetpack and WordPress.com
It is important to note that that Jetpack is a plugin that works in conjunction with WordPress.com even though you can install and use it with WordPress.org sites. This means that you’ll have to create a WordPress.com account in order to reap the full advantages of Jetpack (but don’t worry – you don’t have to host your website on WordPress.com). The advanced customization options for a couple of Jetpack modules can be configured only using WordPress.com.
For the folks just getting started with WordPress, it’s worthwhile to know the differences between WordPress.com and WordPress.org. For starters, WordPress.com is the commercial alternative to WordPress.org – the open-source CMS platform. We’ve covered other important differences between the two solutions, in the aforementioned article.
Wrapping Up
I originally wrote this article in 2013 and I’m glad to see the new features and improvements in the Jetpack plugin. While they have introduced a paid plan, I absolutely love the fact that they’ve kept the best features like Photon and Downtime Monitoring free. Also, they haven’t deprecated any of the previous modules such as Beautiful Math, Spelling and Grammar, and WP.me Shortlinks.
As always – what are your favourite Jetpack modules? Do you use (or plan to use Jetpack)? Let us know in the comments below!
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I am kind of tired, so when I saw the headline, I thought it said “10 reasons why you should start using A jetpack today.” And I thought, preach it, brother!
lol, now I have an idea for our next blog post 😉
I would LOVE to see a post about that. It would make my day. Lol.
I agree all these points, but the publicize portion seems to be broken with the current version. Even with a code fix I found on a WP forum, it’s still not working, so I’ll do some more research.
Thanks for the heads up Wayne!
Hi, we’re aware of the Publicize issue. We have a fix and will be releasing it next week. You should still be able to connect Facebook profile accounts; only FB Page accounts won’t work at the moment.
Thanks for the update, Tim!
I find that Jetpack really slows my site down. I use it for analytics only, so deactivated everything else in it. But now days I just use Google Analytics. Much better speed, and as you say, more info. It’s hard to set up though. I find that using Cyfe.com helps a lot to give an awesome free overview of your website.
I have never had issues with JetPack slowing my site down. I have run several tests before to test it. But also I have a very good server (WPEngine) 😉
Jetpack is a great plugin, and i have been using it for over 2 years. Social sharing is good, analytics are perfect, form builders is easiest to use, but its truth it makes sites heavy, when you enable Jetpack Comments, your site become heavy, i was using this on my site, but after a test on pingdom, i had to deactivate jetpack comments while still using other jetpack features.
But still on every wordpress project, I always install this plugin.
I have most of these activated except for Photon. I might as well try. Thanks for the post. 🙂
I appreciate your well written post. You cover all the good things about JetPack and there are many, as you have demonstrated here.
I must respectfully disagree with you, however, on JetPack. I hope you don’t mind me putting a link in my comment, but I wrote a Whole Blog Post about “Why I don’t use Jetpack” and, never will.
Here’s the link and I hope some of your visitors will find the opposing view helpful. I just stumbled across your site when searching in Google for something totally unrelated.
Thanks so much for sharing your excellent review and hard work!
~ Jupiter Jim
Thanks for sharing your views.
As a developer I personally am not too bothered by some of the “bad” things JetPack does, because I know how to “fix” it 😉 I do use Jetpack but I’ve optimized certain things to make it a bit lighter.
That said, even right out of the box, on my server I don’t even notice any speed difference in site loading times. Then again I do have a very powerful server with WPEngine.
The only thing that does bother me about JetPack is that sometimes when you update it, things seem to auto-enable themselves. Of course this is a minor nuisance though.
@Jupiter Jim and AJ Clarke:
We’re always very open to talking about issues with Jetpack. You can contact me directly (tim@automattic.com) or our support channel (support@jetpack.me).
If there are “bad” things going on, we want to talk about them. We try to hold ourselves to a high standard.
Please get in touch with any comments or concerns.
Thanks Tim for stopping by! I really appreciate it 😉 I personally don’t have any real issues with JetPack, there a few nuisances to me, but nothing really major enough to make me not use the plugin. I still use it, as you can see here in the comments! Would be great though if @jupiter gets in touch though, seems like he is much more “against” the plugin. I know you guys have a lot of work to do over there, I really appreciate you stopping by and offering your assistance!
Hey Tim,
I wanted to respond to your e-mail about Jetpack. I love Jetpack for its great features; post sharing, top 10 ten, etc., features, but this last time after we doubled our numbers last summer the plugin did a number on our database – so much, so we had to switch from Godaddy to Amazon.
Is there anything we can do to continue using my favorite plugin?
Hi there, I am considering installing Jetpack as I have only recently found and it seems to cover everything I need. My one concern is that it will have problems working with other plugins on my site. I use the suffusion theme which covers a lot of the features that Jetpack has so I am wondering, can I only enable certain features on Jetpack and leave others disabled. Currently I have Disqus for comments, responsive theme in suffusion and contact form plugin etc. I wouldn’t want to enable Jetpack and find half my site has conflicting problems.
Hi Alasdair,
You can disable any module you want. For example we use Jetpack but the only enabled module we have is the one for comments (to help with spam). If you encounter any conflicts with a 3rd party plugin its more likely that that plugin is at fault then jetpack.
I’m starting to use JetPack a bit less now though, mostly because I’m finding some better alternatives 😉
Thanks for your reply. Just wondering if you could mention a few of the alternative plugins that you use over Jetpack?
Honestly mostly my alternatives are built-in and not plugins, as a developer I have that luxury 😉
– Instead of WP stats: use Google Analytics
– Instead of subscriptions – http://wordpress.org/plugins/subscribe-to-comments-reloaded/
– For social sharing – http://www.addthis.com/
– Instead of Photon – We use the built-in CDN with our WPEngine host.
– For Infinite scroll – https://github.com/paulirish/infinite-scroll
etc, etc…This is probably best done as a new post 😉
Thank you for that, being someone who has a very limited knowledge of any coding or anything I totally rely on plugins but I think I will give it a go anyway, there are a couple I am using that I am not too happy with and with all the good reviews of Jetpack and the fact it was developed by the wordpress team will definitely give it a try.
Thanks again for your help, would definitely like to see a post like that!
Thanks for sharing I found a few plugins I am going to be trying out.
Thanks Sourav K for writing this great articles.I am just starter at wordpress and this helps to point out everything about using Jetpack.
I do like the most features of Jetpack. Havent notice any real problems with connections and speed.
Only one thing i sreally annoying{ strange WP didnt think about that] It register your own visits in your stats.
Yes you can exclude various types of users, but that only starts to count once you logged in. And it determines it by registration instead of IP. Furthermore, various solutions i found on the internet, use cookie solutions. This only half a solution. If your browser deletes cookies after closure[safety] that is pretty useless as well.
so a very simple plugin script that allows me to fill out specific IP adresses to exclude. then the stats would be pretty perfect.
That’s a good call. I personally use Google Analytics for all my tracking purposes, the jetPack as you say isn’t accurate enough.
Publicize is going to make my life a lot easier. Thanks.
I know this is an old post, but it came in handy for me today! Just installed it. What I was really hoping for was the look of your comments section here, but I see Jetpack doesn’t really do that. In particular, I love the styling, large avatar images, and “Reply To This Message” links after every comment. Is that part of your theme?
Jetpack only creates the comment submission form. The styling of the comments is done by the theme (I designed this myself).
You are a talented designer! It really does look fantastic.
Thanks for the kind words Brian!
Seems to be a good news for WordPress users, The Pack combines the power of so many different WordPress plugin into one plugin and also uses the power of WordPress.com cloud servers. This is really awesome. Going to Jet Pack my blog now.
NIce Article , i think we should use jetpack for our wordpress website as it contains many features
I would never think of using another CMS for small business apart from WordPress. For large scale websites there are other options but for small biz you just can’t beat it.
I just use jetpack for WordPress.com Stats 🙂
Thanks a lot for sharing this information of JetPack. I’ve read that it might cause problems with antispambee. Does anyone use these two plugins together?
Using jetpack plugin as well as one for all.
Thanks Sourav, it’s a great post.
Seems to be a good news for WordPress users, The Pack combines the power of so many different WordPress plugin into one plugin and also uses the power of WordPress.com cloud servers. This is really awesome. Going to Jet Pack my blog now.
In respect of the comment part of jetpack/wordpress – it is a major shame that gravatar is only usable on a pc/laptop.
When used on a tablet, or even worse, a mobile phone, the gravatar logo is blocking the content of the comment.
So if you want your site-comments to look OK on tablet/phone, ditch gravatar logo’s !
Han, JetPack doesn’t output the Gravatars, the Jetpack comments module only alters the comment submission form. If you are having design issues with the comments on mobile devices you should be able to fix that up really simply by tweaking the theme design via a child theme or custom CSS plugin (or hiring a freelancer). I use the JetPack comments on this site and I think I did a pretty good job designing the comments to look good across all devices 😉
Photon is a nice option, 🙂
Sorry to say, but “PHOTON” completely messed up the look of my site! I deactivated it…
Within blog posts it displayed images which were too small (narrow) on high resolution screens (my theme is wider than most), the auto-cropped thumbnails were plain ugly (I create my own for “featured” images), and somehow all thumbnails were 1.5 times the size they had to be (probably assuming Retina-readyness – but my theme caters to Retina displays already).
Probably some sort of conflict with your theme. For Photon to work 100% it does require the theme to make use of the native thumbnails functions only. Thanks for sharing your experience though, hopefully it helps others!
Thanks for sharing your views.
Nice review. Keep up the good work!
Hi, how disable comment from wordpress.com?
cool. thanks.
WordPress blogs had several smart options that were out there just for the self-hosted sites through an advanced system of levers and pulleys.
Interesting to see that for someone that preaches jetpack stats, you don’t even use it yourself.
For us it didn’t make sense since we wouldn’t be using a majority of the modules (AJ is a rockstar developer and he just codes custom features into our theme), but for a new WordPress user it’s a great place to start since it is an all-in-one type of plugin 😉
Sounds like a super helpful plugin! I’ll be using on the WordPress site I’m building! ?
Plugins are what makes WordPress so popular. Only thing to keep in mind is to use only well developed plugins even if they cost you money. Never go with free and bad coded plugins. It will save your blog from various harms.
WordPress Jetpack plugin gives centralized management, security, image performance and much more.
Nothing to say ! Really your choice is very much effective . From much experience i would like to say that the plugin shared here will be very conducive for any blogger.
Please I have a question that is not related to your blog post but to your blog. I would like to know how to get the floating social share icons to the left of your blog.Please I have been looking for this for ever.
Ours are custom, but have a look at Monarch by Elegant Themes – it has a ton of options, including floating social similar to ours.
Great article. Would love to see an update on it.
I was trying to decide if it’s worth paying for the additional features, but honestly, there just doesn’t seem to be much gain by doing so.
I think the biggest benefit is the included VaultPress membership – we personally use and love VaultPress and highly recommend it to every WordPress user. So if you can take advantage of JetPack’s awesome features + VaultPress’ easy backups it’s more than worth the cost 🙂
I am using Jetpack but recently I have some with number javascript requests it makes for each of its feature. Where its
– Related Posts
– Lazy Loading Images
– Photon
– or enabling users to use wordpress, facebook and others to comment
The last one only sends 5 javascript request, doesn’t this hit the performance? Why would think about mobile user bandwidth in the case of “Lazy Load Images” when you are requesting for five JavaScript files.
What on mobile I want to download comment or related posts on demand, on user click? Can we hook into Jetpack api for such customization?
Has anyone upgraded to the paid features that can give a testimonial about their usefulness, and functionality?
Actually, we use JetPack premium on a couple of our other sites. It’s well worth the cost as it includes VaultPress and Akismet, so you’re getting a whole suite of plugins with your membership. While we don’t use all of JetPack’s premium features, we do use the lazy loading and site stats and it’s worked out great for us.
Hey there, I liked all your content tips and appreciate your knowledge. I want to start a blog on WordPress platform but I had lots of questions about JetPack – but after reading this post I think I’ll go ahead and use this all in one plugin. It seems like it’s going to help a newbie like me a lot. Thanks for helping.
Jetpack has broken my site 4 times in the last month. Everything works now that I’ve deleted it.
Hmmm, that’s odd. Were you able to find out why? Or enable wpdebug or the dev console to see the errors?
Jetpack locks my site everytime on my pc.
Although I liked the security but this thing is annoying.
Looking forward for updates.
Great subject and information. I had heard a little about this, but never realized what it entailed. Great job.
Great information. Gracias amigo
Well covered topic. Keep sharing valuable content.
I’m glad it helped – and I hope you give Jetpack a try!