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10 Best WordPress Helpdesk Plugins to Manage Support

Best WordPress Helpdesk Plugins to Manage Support

WordPress helpdesk plugins enable you to offer centralized and timely support therefore boosting user interaction and, ultimately, conversions. Getting more conversions means you’ll walk around with a smug look on your face like Simon Cowell, which is always a good thing.

In today’s post, we point you to the best WordPress helpdesk plugins available in the market, so you can add a fully functional support system to woo more customers. But even with the best WordPress helpdesk plugins, great support eventually boils down to one thing: availability.

You can have a helpdesk plugin forged in the fires of Mount Doom, but if you are unavailable to render support, it’s all useless. It’s just like getting stuck in the Sahara Desert with a Humvee that just ran out of gas. Yes, you have a high mobility vehicle but what’s the use? The searing desert heat, which in this case represents customer rage, will consume you.

Without further ado, let’s get down to business. All helpdesk plugins here are relatively affordable and easy to setup and use. Really, you should  be able to set up your support system in less than 5 minutes with any of the following plugins.

1. Awesome Support (Free)

WordPress Helpdesk Plugins: Awesome Support Free WordPress Plugin

Let’s kick off this second section with a WordPress helpdesk plugin that stays true to its name. Awesome Support is a strong contender among many other WordPress helpdesk plugins – both free and premium. It’s designed to soften your work as far as customer support goes.

I tried it out on your behalf and was I impressed or what? I know, it’s just a WordPress plugin, but I bet big money you’d change your mind if you knew what this plugin can do. Handcrafted to perfection by Julien Liabeuf, SiamKreative and the Awesome Support Team, this plugin covers all your bases.

Installing the thing is easy since it’s available for free at This just means you can install it right from your WordPress dashboard. After installing, you can’t miss it, as the plugin adds easy to spot menu items that take you a step closer to your support goals. There aren’t many settings, so that you get confused. No. Nothing of the sort. Everything is clean to a fault.

Ready Page Templates & Shortcodes

By default, the plugin adds Submit Ticket and My Tickets pages, but you can add your support system to any page you fancy using a shortcode. The settings give you absolute control over how your support system looks and functions.

Your visitors can easily create support accounts (to submit tickets) and track their ticket history. The submit ticket form is straightforward and features the familiar visual editor as well as file attachments. You, on the other hand, can track all tickets, assign tickets, prioritize any ticket and gather information about your visitors among other things.

Other notable features include email notifications, a responsive design, restricted access, support for multiple products and departments, a slew of free and premium extensions, agent collaboration and custom fields just to mention a few.

Awesome Support is a true reflection of what WordPress helpdesk plugins should aim to achieve.

2. WSDesk – ELEX WordPress Helpdesk

WSDesk - ELEX WordPress Helpdesk

With WSDesk you can easily add a full custom support system to WordPress. Just install and use the setup wizard to get started. Add all of your agents – there’s no extra charge since you’re managing your support platform. The same goes for tickets. With WSDesk there’s no limit on the number your customers can submit. And you can even assign agents, statuses (unsolved, pending, solved) and tags to keep your tickets organized. Plus unlike some options, WSDesk stores all of you data on your site – so you’re in charge of your customer and support data.

WSDesk also offer built-in options to make your support easier. Enable settings for email notifications, automatic ticket close after inactivity, assignment by department, and more. Add canned responses for your agents. Checkup on your team using the agent ratings and ticket reports. You can also use IMAP or Google OAuth to automatically create tickets from unread emails. How great is that?

Other plugin features include integrations for WooCommerce, EDD, Contact Form 7, Gravity Forms, and WPML. As well as simple xml backups, a premium SMS notification add-on, and tons of customizations.

3. TotalDesk

TotalDesk – Helpdesk, Live Chat, Knowledge Base & Ticket System

Perhaps you’d like to cut down on all those hours you spend dispensing customer support. Perhaps you’d like a more passive means of helping your visitors out. You’d like to lessen customer support emails and one-on-one telephone calls.

Of all WordPress helpdesk plugins we review here today, this bad boy wins big since it helps you to create not only a knowledge base, but also self-service customer helpdesk, ticket system, and even live chat.

TotalDesk is brought to you by welaunch, an elite author, and ships with amazing features such as drag-and-drop post reordering, live search, FAQs, multiple notification options (email, desktop, Slack and more), ticket reports, custom widgets, responsive design,WooCommerce integration, multi-lingual support and so much more.

4. Fluent Support

If there’s one thing that sold me on this WordPress helpdesk plugin is how easy it is to setup. You cna get started in just 5 minutes. No really, I am not kidding, and please don’t take my word for it, you can instead watch this video that walks you through the process.

The second, third and fourth wins for yours truly must be the beautiful design, an impressive list of features and the outstanding buyer rating. What features? You ask. Choose to manage your tickets using your general site contact form, a custom ticket form, direct email or even from a seperate dedicated support site. Create multiple agent roles with varied permissions, assign multiple agents to tickets, generate reports to view support success and productivity, review customer history (tickets, purchases, etc), and more.

Best of all this is a fully self hosted option – so you own and manage 100% of your customers’ private data. This, indeed, is one of the greatest WordPress helpdesk plugins you can get your hands on.

5. KB Support – WordPress Help Desk

KB Support

Looking for a help desk and knowledge base support tool plugin for WordPress with an easy-to-use interface? KB Support is your match.

With this fantastic tool, you can create and fully customize as many ticket submission forms as you need. And the best part? With the Email Support extension you can benefit from the ticket management system via email. Your customers can submit a ticket with an issue and manage that ticket without even having an account on your website. Same goes for the agents in charge with keeping your clients happy and worry-free.

Still not enough? Agents can create private ticket notes and define the ticket status: New, Open, On Hold, and Closed. It is essential to keep everything organized.

Moreover, you can create specific Knowledge Base articles that you can send customers either as a solution to their problem, or to provide them with more information about a topic. You can choose to restrict certain Knowledge Base articles to logged in users only. It’s all in your hands! As you can see, KB Support allows you to have full control over your tickets and Knowledge Base articles.

There are more cool extensions available. For example Zapier, which is a tool that lets you automate workflows by integrating your favorite apps, including Slack or Mailchimp.

6. Richpanel Helpdesk & Live Chat for WooCommerce

WordPress Helpdesk Plugins: Richpanel WooCommerce Ticketing, Helpdesk & CRM

The WooCommerce Helpdesk, Live Chat and CRM plugin is an all-in-one customer support solution. The plugin makes it possible to combine Richpanel’s advanced customer management tools and analytics with the popular WooCommerce extension.

The only requirement is that you must have a Richpanel account to use the plugin, which starts at $50 per month. Considering it’s equivalent to combining a HelpScout membership with multiple premium WooCommerce upgrades, it’s a fair price for all of the powerful features you’re getting. After signing up, you can sync WooCommerce with Richpanel and start using the plugin.

Richpanel makes it easy to manage your customer’s needs, support requests and sales analytics effortlessly. The software creates customer profiles so you can see their purchase behavior making it possible to anticipate their needs and increase your conversion rates.

WordPress Helpdesk Plugins: Richpanel WooCommerce Live Chat

But besides that, Richpanel includes built-in options for live chat support. This way you can provide customers with instant help as they need it. The live chat is mobile friendly and easy to embed on your website.

The service also includes a full-featured helpdesk setup so customers can open tickets, which are easily managed by your support staff using the agent screen. From here you can assign tickets, set priorities and follow up with open cases. You can even setup filters to target keywords and assign tickets to specific support teams (anything about “sales tax” might go to your Finance team for example). Staff can also view customer’s purchase history and activity timeline to provide targeted support.

If you are using WooCommerce, Richpanel WooCommerce Helpdesk is likely the best fit for your helpdesk setup. The combination of live chat, ticketing and detailed data & reporting make it possible for you to provide better support for customers while also maximizing your conversion rates.

7. WordPress Live Chat Complete

WordPress Helpdesk Plugins: Live Chat Complete

A best seller in the customer service domain, WordPress Chat X is the ultimate live chat plugin for WordPress. If you haven’t had the chance, please read how to add live chat to your WordPress site to understand why live chat is of vital importance as far as instantaneous support goes.

Back to WordPress Chat X, it’s one of those WordPress helpdesk plugins you must try. Before you go into fits, I gave this baby a test drive and here comes a few details to support my outlandish proclamation.

To start with, this plugin looks cute in the design department. Plus you can customize your chat widget to your heart’s content, what with unlimited colors and what not.

100 Active Chats, Offline Mode & Emojis

At any given time, 100 users can chat on your site, and if you’re offline, the chat widget morphs into a contact form visitors can use to send you messages. If you like, you can even initiate chat with any of your site visitors. And if you’re in good moods, spice up your chat sessions with emojis.

WordPress Chat X is fast and lightweight and supports WPML, SSL encryption for security, WordPress 4.6+ and PHP 7. On top of that, you can add your social links at end of chat or when your operators are offline. As far as installation goes, the only prerequisite is a free Firebase account. The chat session runs on Firebase but chat history is stored on your servers for record keeping.

8. WooCommerce Support Ticket System

WordPress Helpdesk Plugins: WooCommerce Support Ticket System

If you run an e-commerce website using WooCommerce, here’s a WordPress helpdesk plugin made just for you. Built with love by Vanquish, an elite author who has 20+ WooCommerce extensions under the belt, this support ticket system works as advertised.

WooCommerce Support Ticket System plays well with WordPress and WooCommerce offering you a solid solution to support order and user tickets. What I mean is a user can submit a ticket about any issue they’re facing on your site, or a support ticket specific to a particular order.

Streamline Your Workflow

Your visitors submit tickets via the frontend while shopping, and you manage all queries using a special backend dashboard. Nothing too technical, it has the same WooCommerce feel. After all, the plugin simply extends WooCommerce.

You can customize WooCommerce Support Ticket System to suit any design needs, and using shortcodes, you can port the plugin anywhere on your site. That, plus the plugin add tabs to user and admin pages making it easily accessible.

As far as support tickets go, you can assign tickets to different agents, retrieve a great deal of information about each ticket, edit/delete tickets, gather customer information and so much more.

9. SupportCandy (Free)

Support Candy

With over 10k active installs at the time of writing, and a horde of features that will make your head spin, this plugin is making big waves in the WordPress helpdesk plugins arena. Authored by Pradeep Makone, an active contributor at, SupportCandy offers you a ticketing system with a twist.

Thanks to the underlying Ajax technology and a responsive grid, your visitors can submit tickets easily and quickly from any device. This plugin allows you to submit an unlimited number of support tickets either via the admin or frontend. On top of that, users needn’t register on your site to submit a ticket, which shortens the whole process. What about spam bots working your forms senseless? Worry not, this plugin comes with a credible anti-spam feature.

Custom Fields & CSS

At your disposal, you have custom fields and CSS to build your ticket forms however you want. After building, place your forms on any page or post using a shortcode. This plugin ships with email templates as well as canned replies for frequent questions. Additionally, you can prioritize, categorize and set the status of any ticket easily from within the admin dashboard.

The settings panel is bursting with the best of features meaning nothing is holding you back from creating a support experience that is out of this world. You can task this plugin with all kinds of support functions and it won’t break.

10. KnowledgeBase X

KnowledgeBase X

KnowledgeBase X is incredibly easy to setup and use, which means you can provide amazing support before the next guy reads the rest of this post. The plugin includes features to create your own knowledgebase, an a to z glossary of terms, drag and drop article reordering, breadcrumbs for easy navigation, a built-in upvote system, Ajax powered search, visual shortcode generator, styling options and more.

Need more power? Note that the KnowledgeBase X plugin comes with it’s own WPBot chatbot as well as support for just about any live chat provider out there (note – the chat just needs a unique chat page URL). You can even add contact forms to chat pop ups to ensure readers don’t leave your pages.

On top of that, you can enable user role based permissions. So perhaps users who aren’t a member can view your online documentation, but only logged in members can access live chat – or whatever else you might want to do!

If need be, you can easily export your knowledgebase to a CSV file for future reference as well as export WPBot chat emails so you can quickly followup with people.

Bonus: WordPress Helpdesk Plugins Honorable Mentions

Can you believe the list ends here? Well, the above WordPress helpdesk plugins offer you all the tools you need to provide the kind of support that actually works for you and your site visitors. The premium plugins deliver quite a punch, but don’t let the free options fool you; they are amazing too. Below, are a couple other WordPress helpdesk plugins & solutions worth checking out:

  • bbPress because forums make for great support systems too
  • Zendesk, which allows you to convert your comment section into a support system among other things
  • Help Scout, which focuses on personalizing the support experience

Final Words on the Best WordPress Helpdesk Plugins

These and other WordPress helpdesk plugins offer your customers the chance to initiate contact and get help whenever and wherever they are stuck on your site. The same plugins offer you the chance to help out your site visitors more efficiently since it’s easier to create, manage and track support tickets right from within your admin dashboard.

Bottom line: WordPress helpdesk plugins help you to improve user experience and boost conversions while saving time. Whether you choose premium or go with a free helpdesk plugin, just ensure you reply to support tickets on time or you will earn yourself some bad rep.

Which is your favorite WordPress helpdesk plugin? Let us know in the comments. Cheers!

Disclaimer: WPExplorer may be an affiliate for one or more products listed in the article. If you click a link and complete a purchase we could make a commission.
Recent in WordPress Plugins
  1. Pradeep Makone · 7 years ago

    I am author of WP Support Plus. Please checkout our new support ticket solution for WordPress – it’s called Support Candy and is available on

    • Kyla · 7 years ago

      Thanks so much for sharing! I’ll definitely take a look 🙂

  2. Raji · 6 years ago

    Hello, Great Article! I have a suggestion to consider WSDesk to be part of this list. It is one of the best option available with an intuitive interface & a number of automation feature like canned replies, triggers, auto-suggestions etc.

  3. Daniil Babkin · 6 years ago

    Hello! Great list! My team has also released a ticket system for product of WordPress called Ticketrilla. It’s a way for you to provide support on clients’ websites. Ticketrilla uses 2 part – Ticketrilla: Server (plugin for support agents) and Ticketrilla: Client (for clients). The Client version is a free plugin and is available on, while the Server version is premium on CodeCanyon.

  4. Mina Nielsen · 5 years ago

    Thanks for these. Following links from your links I came across KB Support this week and decided to buy. The free foundation plugin on is a very full featured helpdesk and knowledge base, with paid extensions to provide things like email-based support, canned replies, etc. It seems less mature than other systems, but the developer support is like nothing I’ve ever experienced and worth more than the licence fee. My guess is that they’re going above and beyond to develop what people ask for as a way of driving their plugin forward. We’re really looking forward to starting a new chapter of business with KB Support from next week, and I think it’s definitely a plugin to watch.

    • Kyla · 5 years ago

      That’s awesome to hear – I’m glad you found the perfect plugin for your site! 🙂

  5. Azma · 4 years ago

    Thank you for the information …

  6. Sadiq Umar · 4 years ago

    I was not planning on adding a helpdesk feature on my site but after reading this article i find out how it can help my site increase engagement rate and conversion, i am going to choose one. Thanks for sharing the knowledge.

  7. Adrita Chakraborty · 3 years ago

    I was searching for a WordPress Support plugin. Truly get some wise support while reading. What do you think is most reliable for a startup company- a Free or Paid Helpdesk Plugin?

    • Kyla · 3 years ago

      There are a few options that will work just fine with the free version (like Awesome Support being one) – just keep in mind that free options offer less features than their premium counterparts. So it’ll really depend on what your business needs.

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