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Video Trends in 2024 for WordPress Video Marketing

2017 Video Trends To Grow Your WordPress Video Marketing

If you’re looking for the latest video trends to boost your marketing efforts, take a breather mate because you are in the right place. We know video marketing scares the living daylights out of you – heck, it scares us too.

What to do? Where to start? How do you find the best tools to create and promote videos for maximum return on investment (ROI)? Which video trends can boost the impact of your video marketing? These indeed are great questions to ask yourself.

Turns out video marketing is quite easy to hack nowadays. While business owners of yore had to invest a lot of time and money, realizing tangible results with your video marketing is relatively cheap and easy these days. And it’s super effective – Brednbeyond’s Video Marketing Statistics guide shows that 93% of business gain a new customer from posting a video on social media alone. That’s not even counting all the other ways you can leverage videos!

And in this post, we shine light on video trends you can use to grow your business site. These video trends are cheap and easy to hack but produce great results as far as video marketing goes. Towards the end, we drop a couple of stats to drive the point home, so you better stick around 🙂

Without further ado, let’s dive right in.

Video Trends to Grow Your Video Marketing in 2024 & Beyond

Something to consider: If you want to get more out of your video marketing campaign, read our detailed video SEO guide and drive more search traffic to your website (using videos) without spending a dime.

Lastly, if you’re stuck or need more information on these video trends or anything else related to video marketing, just hit the comment section or our inbox and we will get back to you immediately.

Live Streaming

Live Streaming

Of all video trends we cover here today, live video shows a lot of promise as far as building brand awareness, favorability and trust go. Live video works wonders for product demonstrations and promotions as well. These reasons are exactly why live streaming is picking steam more than any other video trend out there.

Did you know people spend 3x more time watching Facebook live videos compared to videos that are no longer live? That’s a hard figure to argue with, and with the entrance of many other live streaming services and apps, nothing should hold you back from winning big with live video.

Live streaming includes hosting webinars as well, and we all agree webinars are pure magic as far as engagement goes. Many online entrepreneurs know this already, which is why you get invited to webinars now and then. Chances are you usually attend and – more importantly – have a great time.

Live video is relatively cheap, and in most cases free. Periscope and Facebook live videos are free and so is YouTube live streaming. All you need is internet connection and you’re good to go. Facebook will even send out notifications to your followers meaning you can hit the ground running in the next five minutes.

You can get creative and use them for product sneak peeks, demonstrations, Q&A sessions or simply let people watch your process as a creative agency, a freelancer, or a manufacturer. – Brenda Stokes Barron

How to Add Live Streaming to WordPress

Add Live Streaming to WordPress

Want to add a live stream to your WordPress site? Try a plugin! For example, with the free YouTube Embed plugin you can easily generate an embed code automatically every time you’re active on YouTube live. Or you can give the Live Streaming/Broadcast plugin a try and host your own live stream!

Videos on Landing Pages

Videos on Landing Pages

Nowadays, it’s common to find complimentary videos on sales pages, homepages and other landing pages. If you try out video trends in your next marketing stint, please consider adding videos to your landing pages.

Your visitors are more likely to stick around for longer if you have a nice video on your homepage or sales page. They are also more likely to engage with your brand which translates to better conversions for your business.

As a matter of fact, including a video on your pages boosts your conversion rates by a whopping 34% according to the Blue Corona Blog. Best is to combine video and text, has opposed to focusing on one at the expense of the other.

Videos on sales pages are quite effective simply because this medium engages more of our senses. Explainer videos on your homepage make for great introduction pieces since customers can have a feel of your personality. This quickly establishes a relationship and builds trust with your customers.

And with services like Wistia, it’s becoming easier and easier to include videos on your sales pages and get detailed analytics on how your prospective customers actually interact with those videos. That combination is what’s essential. – Collin Newcomer, Elegant Themes

How to Add Videos to WordPress

Want to embed a video on one of your WordPress posts or pages? It’s surprisingly easy! WordPress features an embed support for over 30+ video sources. All you have to do is copy and paste the video link and WordPress will automatically format/display the video.

You may have additional video options depending on your theme settings. For example, the Total WordPress theme includes easy options in the page/post meta settings to add a video in place of a featured image, an easy to use drag & drop video page builder module, options for video backgrounds and a premium slider that includes support for videos!

Virtual Reality

Virtual Reality Video

Welcome to the future guys, where you can have immersive 3D video experiences thanks to virtual reality technology. Not long ago, virtual reality was synonymous with IMVU and The Sims where you could build some sort of virtual life. In reality though, that was far from the virtual reality we have today.

Today, you can dive into video games and actually feel like you’re in the game. This trend has crossed over to video marketing and from the looks of things, we can only expect it to grow and perhaps surpass many other video trends. Yep, it’s in cinema too, and it’s great.

You’re probably privy of VR gear such as Oculus Rift and Google Cardboard among others. As a video marketer, you can take advantage of this technology to push your products further into the minds of your customers. You can offer immersive product demonstrations that make the customer feel like they are actually inside your shop.

Virtual reality is becoming more accessible to consumers, meaning there’s a new and exciting advertising kid on the block. The big question shifts from “Is virtual reality even possible?” to “Are you willing to jump in and capitalize on this trend?” Your answer better be a big effing “HELL YEAH!”

360-Degree Video

360-Degree Video

I absolutely love 360-degree videos but that’s just me. Nonetheless, did you know 360-degree videos receive about 30% more views than ordinary videos? That’s not the end of it though. The same report by Magnifyre shows that twice as many people watch 360-degree videos to the very end.

If you ask me, that’s a lot of video real estate to advertise your offers. What’s better than a video that viewers don’t drop midstream? That’s right, a 360-degree video that’s cheap and easy to make. Truly, all you need is a 360-degree camera, which is relatively cheap to acquire.

While many other video trends will come and go, we have a feeling 360-degree videos are here to stay. Can you guess why? To save you the trouble, 360-videos are growing in popularity because they get real results. And if it’s useful, it prolly isn’t going away anytime soon, at least not today.

360-degree video is a great alternative to virtual reality in the sense that you can provide a similar 3D experience to viewers without costly VR gear. On top of that, viewers can watch 360-degree videos on mobile devices simply by swiping or turning their devices. What a great time to be alive.

How to Add 360 Videos to WordPress

WP VR – 360 Panorama and virtual tour creator for WordPress

You can add your own 360-degree videos and photo sphere images with WP VR – a 360 panorama and virtual tour creator for WordPress. Just install the plugin and use the included features to customize how your 360 video is inserted. The plugin also includes options to build-in and customize hotspots for an interactive effect, as well as Gutenberg and Elementor support to easily add your videos to posts or pages.

Mobile Optimized Videos

Mobile Optimized Videos

Seeing as we just touched on mobile video experiences, it’s important to add a couple of words to this emerging video trend. Much of web browsing has shifted to mobile devices. Just look around wherever you are and let this point sink in.

You’ve probably noted mobile devices will be the death of humanity. Nearly everyone within your vicinity is looking down at a mobile device of some sort. Like many others, you’re probably reading this post on a mobile device.

Where are we going with this? It’s so simple. Just like we rushed to optimize our websites for mobile users, you cannot leave your videos behind. Time is ripe to optimize your videos for mobile devices. What does that even mean?

Simply create shorter videos (more than 5 minutes long is overdoing it) that are readily shareable on social media. Just look around on various social media sites and you will note the most popular videos are less than 3 minutes long. 30-second videos go viral almost instantaneously.

Keep your videos short and light for mobile users and tap into the ever-growing mobile traffic. Need a stat to go with that? Google reports mobile search volume surpassed desktop searches in 2015. More than 55% of searches come from mobile devices now, so optimize already or bounce.

Unless I’m using unlimited Wi-Fi and have the time, I probably won’t watch a 15-minute long video using the data plan from my mobile carrier. Nope I won’t. A 5-minute long video? Probably. A 30-second long video? Count me in anytime. Are you following?

Furthermore, this mobile video trend is the fodder powering popular video apps such as Snapchat and Instagram. And these apps thrive, and thrive well on mobile videos. Yes, Snapchat drove 10 billion video views per day in the 3rd quarter of 2016 and guess who their biggest rival is? Instagram Stories.

Branded Videos

Branded Videos

You probably subscribe to a couple of YouTube channels from your favorite brands and personalities. Whenever they post a new video, you receive a notification and probably end up watching said video. A majority of millennials (finally, I use this term) will drop everything whenever their favorite YouTube personality posts a video.

The videos are not necessarily all that, but the strategy works like magic. It’s the power of branded video at work and you cannot argue with numbers. My wife Chelsea (yay! I’m married haha) follows quite a couple of YouTube peeps, and she will drop everything to watch every video they post – on her smartphone!

Man, she never puts that thing down, which goes to prove our previous trend about mobile videos. She uploads a ton of videos (via the smartphone) to her channel as well and has started growing quite a following herself. She’s working on her brand, just like you can do.

You can put this video trend to work for you. How can you use videos to promote your brand? Only you can answer this question. For something to work on, perhaps you can demo your products or showcase your process like Brenda suggested earlier on. The Dollar Shave Club is a good example of branded videos at work.

Need another example? We publish tutorial videos on our WPExplorer YouTube channel. “Tutorial” being the operative word here. You can even repurpose your existing content into video, which means you’re sorted as far content goes. What else? A great video will always work in your favor so invest time or money if you want. Aim for catchy and unique.

Quick and Easy Branding

Not sure how to add your branding to your videos? This is where a tool like the online video editor by Clipchamp comes in. The editor has a full library of ready to use templates to help you get off to a good start. And an intuitive drag and drop interface makes including your video, logo, titles and more easy peasy.

Video in Email Marketing

Video in Email Marketing

Email marketing has its share of pros and cons – everything has. It’s daunting for the beginner or somebody pressed for time. Yet the average click-through rate (CTR) is way better than many forms of marketing. Still, your campaign could flop, as many do.

How do you better your chances? You think big; you think multimedia. We have already established that placing videos on pages boosts conversion rates as well as CTR. Couple that will email marketing and you have a powerful weapon on your hands. Getting subscribers is easy I kid you not. What a brazen proclamation?!

Use a video on your sign up pages if you wish, just know you’ll have amazing results. Also, offer something (an eBook, a video series (light bulb goes on), or something else) as a reward for signing up. Include the term “Video” in your email subject line and more people will open your newsletters, that’s a guarantee.

Isn’t that great?

If you can, include a video in your newsletters for the adrenaline rush. If you’re thinking testimonials, training videos, product demos and so on, you’re on the right path. Basically, add relevant videos within your newsletters. Host the videos on YouTube (for shareability & visibility baby) and link, embed or do whatever. It’s easy stuff.

What do you think about including video in your email marketing? Let me know in the comment section below. Oh yeah, use short videos for your email marketing. 30-second long videos or animated GIFs are perfect for email marketing. Moving on swiftly.

Bonus: Animated GIFs

You must live under a rock if you don’t know what GIFs are or haven’t seen just how popular they are. Your Facebook timeline is probably flooded with GIFs about this and that and they are widely shared. Surely, of all video trends we touch on today, you can clearly see GIFs at work even without trying.

The results are right there for all to see; wazi kabisa kaa meno ya ngiri. (Translation: out in the open like a warthog’s tusks). Take advantage of GIFs to create activity on your social media pages. Redirect the traffic however you want and smile for me. Plus, they can be GIFs about anything, so yeah.

At the moment, animated GIFs find a place among video trends to follow since they are ultra-lightweight, brief and easy to make. They are the perfect medium for virility on social media sites and they spread far and wide. Okay, I will stop there. See you around? Yep, no conclusion. Just like a boss.

Just kidding. We did promise you a couple of video marketing stats to keep you going when the going gets tough. You know, that kind of thing.

Staggering Video Marketing Statistics

There are some interesting facts here. I bet you had no idea that:

  1. Last month alone, users uploaded more video than content made for TV since the ‘70s.
  2. More than 50% of people online watch videos every day without failure.
  3. Adding the term “video” to your email subject line boosts your open rates by 19%.
  4. YouTube has over 1 billion users and yes, that’s billion with a B.
  5. ‘See You Again’ surpassed Gangnam Style as the most watched YouTube video with over 2.9 billion views at the time of writing (well, perhaps you knew this).
  6. Facebook surpassed 8 billion video views per day in November, 2015. That’s more than 11,415 years of video per day!
  7. 60% of YouTube users would follow buying advice from their favorite channel.
  8. Video around a live event increases your brand favorability by 63%.
  9. 80% of consumers believe demo videos are useful.
  10. You can use GIFs in Facebook Ads to supercharge user engagement.

We have come to a close. Which video trends are you using to boost your WordPress video marketing? Let us know in the comments. Cheers and happy video marketing 🙂

  1. Frank John · 8 years ago

    Awesome Article. I will make videos for my WordPress themes such as LifeLine 2 , Magup, Medicalist and Zetra etc.

  2. Suresh · 7 years ago

    Thanks you Freddy for this great info. Video content marketing is the most efficient way to get visitors in today’s digital world. I highly recommend all webmaster and content creator to focus resources on building good quality and informative videos.

  3. Rob Dean · 6 years ago

    Great post. Video marketing is in trend these days and your post provides amazing information on latest video trends especially to small business owners who are not using video marketing because they are not much aware of the use of this and don’t have a video marketing strategy for their business.

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