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Top 10 Reasons Why You Should Start a Blog with WordPress

Top 10 Reasons Why You Should Start a Blog with WordPress

I would be lying through the teeth if I said blogging isn’t one of the best things I have ever done in my life. I mean, I get to work with great people from all over the world right from the comfort of my home, which kind of rocks but this post isn’t about me.

Today, we talk about why starting a blog is one of the best decisions you’ll ever make. In fact, we will send you off with 10 top reasons why you must dive into blogging right this minute, or if you had taken a hiatus, dive back right in.

By the way, don’t worry if you aren’t much of a writer, blogging is easy stuff. You just wait and see! Get your computer ready to go with that mug of coffee. Are you ready? Great.

1. Blogging Is Easy

You should start a blog simply because it is extremely easy. Consider it a new year’s gift to yourself. Is there any better decision than one that’s extremely easy to implement?

Note, I am not saying blogging is easy work, but rather that there are very few barriers to entry. You literally need a computer with internet access and an idea to get started.

The work itself can be highly demanding just like any self-operated business, but the rewards (and not just monetary) are worth it. Best of all you don’t need a degree, a web designer or any fancy training to start a blog. You can be live in a minute sharing with the entire world. Anything you need to succeed at blogging is a click away.

2. Because It’s Affordable

You can start blogging for free with a blog. This gives you a completely free place to share your thoughts, upload image or videos or write guides. Many people start this way every day.

But here at WPExplorer, we really prefer self-hosted which offers you more power than for the average blogger (see your guide on vs to learn more). And it’s super easy to move your blog from to if you’ve already started one.

To start a self-hosted blog you really just need hosting, since you can find some pretty awesome free WordPress themes and plugins to use on your website for styling and added features. You can get good, shared hosting for $2.95 per month (for the first year) from Bluehost which includes a free domain (for the first year) and more than enough resources for a new blog. So for about $35 this year you can have your very own WordPress blog! That’s a ridiculously low price to have your own place on the web – so why not start a blog?

3. Improve Your Writing Chops

Anyone and everyone benefits from writing. It’s an art and skill worth having. And since you need 10,000 hours worth of practice to become an expert in anything, how about blogging to improve your writing skills? Just like a muscle strengthens when you work out, blogging regularly improves your writing skills. You will learn how to transmute your thoughts into words faster as well as with your own style.

While I love drafting my posts on paper first for the feeling of actually writing on paper, it doesn’t save much time, and of course WordPress is the best tool to get writing with.

WordPress Distraction Free Writing

Pretty much every WordPress theme will include a blog so simply click on Posts > Add New to get started typing. Don’t forget to enable distraction free writing – click on the “Screen Options” tab on at the top right corner of the screen and check the box. Now you should see an expand icon at the top of your text editor. Click it to hide you WordPress dashboard and post settings boxes (tags, categories, featured image, etc) so only the text editor is visible.

WordPress Writing Prompts

Not sure what to write? The Daily Post publishes writing prompts to help get you started. For example, today’s prompt is “conversation” and we’re getting the conversation started about you finally starting your own blog. If you’re still not sure how or where to start, checkout our guide on how to beat procrastination and get to work!

4. Learn New Information & Skills Each Day

To write content worth its salt, you have to invest time and resources in research.  Even if you don’t plan to write a single post, you will need not only something you’re passionate about, but also plenty of research.

Besides, the job involves writing about all manner of things within/out your niche (I would advise against dabbling in multiple niches/topics but who is to stop you?). Writing about different things each day leaves you a smarter person, and you can take that to the bank. When you first start our you make be offered jobs about subjects you aren’t familiar with yet – but please don’t let that stop you.

Treehouse Online Courses

Take the time to learn about coding languages, travel destinations, exotic cuisine, super cars, historical events and cultures from all over the world. Educate yourself then keep learning more. We highly recommend websites like Treehouse, Lynda and Udemy to get started with new subjects (or WP101 if you’re interested in WordPress specifically) but there’s also tons of amazing free courses on YouTube (though they admittedly take a bit more time to find).

5. Become An Authority

Won’t explain how this happens, but when you blog about a topic for a period, readers start contacting you as an expert in that topic. Who knows the kind of great people and things this authority status brings thee?

There are many self-taught experts on just about any topic, offering various products and services, all thanks to establishing themselves as authorities in their respective fields. The creme de la creme blogger in any niche is a well-paid and revered position. Authority in any subject field opens doors to a whole world of possibilities. A blog is the easiest way to establish yourself as a trustworthy authority in whatever field.

So how do you establish yourself as an authority? First find your blogging niche then get writing. Write on your own blog, submit guest posts and get involved on social media with other experts in the field you’re targeting. Bonus – all this online activity is sure to help you build an audience, and having a following is always good for the biz.

6. Meet New Amazing People

WordCamp Events

We are social animals. We always want to form tribes and join those who share our ambitions and aspirations. Blogging will connect you with awesome people who are as passionate about the subject matter as you are.

You will meet influencers who open your eyes, motivators who keep you going, employers who hire you and even investors who would want to partner with you. You will meet so many people, people you wouldn’t have met without a blog.

People who can become real-life friends. People from all walks of life. They will inspire you, critic you and share in ways unimaginable. They will become part of your life, and you theirs. You’ll love the blogosphere, and with WordPress you can carry over those friendships into the real world.

There are major WordPress events every year, and often there’s at least one or two that occur near you. Here are a few of our favorites:

7. Be Your Own Boss

If you have a 9-to-5 and love it that’s great – stick with it! However, if you’d like to escape the daily grind and call the shots blogging is definitely for you. Say goodbye to sitting in traffic, stale coffee and looking the same walls!

If you’d like to be your own boss, run a fruitful business and do it mostly on your terms, blogging is the perfect job. You can even start a blog as a side hustle and keep your current job.

Now, being your own boss has its perks and cons. Still, it is something you should try at least once in your lifetime. It’s a thrill running your own business from anywhere in the world. Especially if you’re just using your natural talents. Acquired knowledge works too, so don’t shy off.

8. Flexible Schedule & Focus

The blogging career is a chameleon for lack of a better word. It can morph into anything you desire, and you can take it anywhere any time. This type of flexibility is something you can’t find with any other job, or even with most hobbies.

You can also switch gears and turn your blog into a business fairly easily.  For instance, you can use a blog to offer services, send more traffic to your main site, promote an offline store, share your thoughts and do virtually anything else you can think of. A blog is a valuable tool to have online since it’s so versatile.

On top of that, you don’t have to write all the time or even at all. You can choose another medium such as video, image, audio, gaming or hire other folks to write for you to grow your website and audience. Your options really are endless when it comes to building your blog.

9. Make Money (As Much As You Want)

Make Money With WordPress

I am a blogger for hire and I am not the only one. This means I blog for a living, just like a million and one other bloggers out there. The benefit (just like being your own boss) is being in charge of your own income. You control your rates and your schedule, so your income is 100% under your control.

Some folks have perfected the blogging formula and are making millions. To mention some well known bloggers, there is Scott DeLong (he who brought us ViralNova), Pat Flynn (Smart Passive Income), among others.

Once you start a blog, create good content, and generate traffic you can monetize your website and your brand. There are tons of ways to make money with WordPress via affiliate links, sponsored articles, advertisements, Adsense and more. Get creative, do your research and please don’t forget to follow the rules (FTC, taxes, etc).

When done right, blogging is one of the most lucrative jobs in the world. Plus, you make money doing what you already love.

10. To Give Back

You don’t have to be Nelson Mandela or Wangari Mathaai to champion for a cause you care about. It is extremely easy to bring about change through your blog. Tackle a problem and a blog allows you to interact with like-minded people.

Must you be Bill Gates or Big Sean to start or support a charity? The answer is no. Your blog is a powerful tool that you can use to support any cause. Write a heartfelt article about something you truly care for, start a crowdfunding website to raise donations in no time or even donate your time and use the knowledge you’ve acquired about blogging to create a website for a cause you care about.

You can also give back to the community with your blog. Give new bloggers a platform to get their name out via guest posting, promote upcoming WordPress events, share your own blogging tips and more. There are tons of ways for you to add value to the WordPress community in non-financial ways.

Now You…

What the hell are you waiting for? Why aren’t you blogging? What is holding you back? And to think our list here is not exhaustive; there are countless other things you can do with blogging.

If you have a question or suggestion regarding this post or blogging in general, please don’t hesitate commenting below. Cheers!

Disclaimer: WPExplorer may be an affiliate for one or more products listed in the article. If you click a link and complete a purchase we could make a commission.
  1. Marijan Sivric · 4 years ago

    When I first decided to start a blog, my only motivation was money. I think that’s the reason why I failed. After many years blogging became my true passion, and I think that everything will change in the following years. I’m still not a full-time blogger but I’m quite sure I will become one.

  2. Rak94 · 4 years ago

    I started blogging on blogger 2019. At first I got only 5-10 daily visitors. time change with my content(way of writing beautiful posts). Now daily visitors between 200-250.(adsense approved) If u don’t have patience don’t start blogging.

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