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Bluehost 60% Off Hosting

Bluehost WordPress Hosting Coupon
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Get hosting for just $2.95 per month with Bluehost. Bluehost is an official recommend WordPress host, and one of the most popular & reliable web hosts available, so why not take a chance and try them out? They’ve even offered an exclusive rate for WPExplorer readers. To save just make sure you click on the image to the left, or the link below.

Bluehost FAQs

When choosing a hosting company there is a lot to factor in. Here’s a bit more about Bluehost, what they have to offer and why you should consider signing up for a plan (using our coupon to save of course).

Is Bluehost good for beginners?

Yes, Bluehost is a great option for beginners. Their manage WordPress hosting comes ready to use, and their shared hosting plans offer an intuitive interface to make installing WordPress simple (just select it when creating a new Site within your account). Plus, you can register your domain name through Bluehost (the first year is free by the way!), so it’s easy to purchase and connect your domain all through the same account.

Is Bluehost a good host?

Bluehost is a WordPress recommended host, which means that all of their plans meet the minimum requirements to run WordPress, making it a good option for WordPress sites. It’s one of the largest hosting companies and is also one of the most budget friendly hosting options available, especially with our coupon code.

Is Bluehost better than WordPress?

Using Bluehost to self host your own site is much better than starting a free blog. You can read our full vs post to learn more, but to summarize choosing your own hosting plan to install your WordPress site is always the better choice in our opinion. places many restrictions on the free and premium websites they host. But by going with Bluehost (or another hosting company) you own your domain, you are in control of your content, you can easily style your site design and you are able to easily monetize your website how you see fit.

Is Bluehost hosting free?

No, Bluehost is not free though they do offer a 30 day free trial for their hosting plans. When you first signup you won’t be charged until the 30 days are up, so you can cancel any time before then to nullify your contract.

How much is Bluehost per month?

Bluehost shared hosting starts at $2.95 per month for the first year with our coupon code ($8.99 per month there after), as well as Managed WordPress hosting that we’d recommend for just $9.95 per month for the first year (which is then $19.95 per month after the first year). Plus you get your domain name registration for free for the first year!

Do I own my domain name with Bluehost?

Yes and no. With domain names you can never actually own the URL, instead you purchase the rights to use it. So when you register a domain name through Bluehost you are obtaining the sole right to use the URL for your website (just remember to pay your renewal fee each year so your domain stays in good standing).